Daines and Rosendale: Montana's Beavis and Butthead

There are two Republicans back in Washington D.C. who like to tell people they are representing Montana. The truth is, we hardly even know them. 

Sen. Steve Daines and Rep. Matt Rosendale are gold-plated pieces of horse manure who rode into the winning circle on the coattails of the Montana GOP "Red Tsumi" last November. Since that time, they have become arrogantly obnoxious and throwing rocks at anything the Democrats do to bring our nation back from the destruction of the Trump swamp! Neither one of them could have won a race on their own.  They were both counted out by the political experts until something strange happened at the polls.  That "something" is yet to be explained.

Maybe the most distasteful thing they've done was to refuse to accept the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. They insisted that Trump really won and in their little hearts of hearts probably still do!

The Covid-19 Relief bill has 75% approval from Americans, but that doesn't faze the Republican members of Congress.  Not one of them voted for it. It is a bill that has a treasure trove of things to bring much needed assistance to those who have been hit the hardest from the pandemic.  It is important to remember that  the richest members of America's population have made out like bandits during the pandemic.  We urge everyone to listen to the president and find out how this bill will help our middle and lower classes.

The Republicans, however, are screaming to the heavens that it is too expensive and America can't afford it.

I would remind everyone about a bill these greedy Republicans did like and voted 100% in favor of about a year ago.  It was a bill that cost nearly the same amount as the Covid-19 relief bill (1.7 Trillion), had but one principle plank, and benefited, overwhelmingly, the richest 3% in the country.  It was a humongous Republican-style TAX BREAK!  They claimed to know how it would be paid for - but it won't. 

The Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate line up at the trough like a passel of pigs when it will put money in their pockets. However, we can't rely on a single vote from them when it comes to aid for our out-of-work and destitute middle class and poor.

Sen. Daines and Rep. Rosendale should be ashamed of themselves for voting against this bill.  It was a case of "monkey see, monkey do" mentality for the vengeful Republicans in congress who are still in a snit over losing the Oval Office, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House.

They are the epitome of "bad losers."  And they are squealing because there was nothing for them at the trough!


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