Tuesday, March 16, 2021

El Grego the Magnificent: The Judge Maker

 The Judge Maker

Governor Gianforte wants to pick his own judges in Montana.  He didn't look too kindly on a nominating committee to supply him with a few names.  No sir! He wants to chose from his own list! And a fine list it is.  Not one liberal, not one middle class monkey, and not one socialist.  Just fine, upstanding, rich, white, mostly male conservative scoundrels on that list!

And he will make the choice from the comfort of his home, where no one will be looking over his shoulder.  The hell with what Montanans want.  El Grego is in charge and he is the owner of the Trump Playbook!

For longer than anyone can remember, judicial vacancies - including the Montana Supreme Court -  have been filled by a nominating committee turning over a list of prospects for the governor to peruse. It has always worked well, too.

Until now.

El Grego the Magnificient wants to do it ALL by hisself!  

Direct appointments, he calls it.

Political Power Grabs, I calls it!

If you find this as insulting, arrogant, and obnoxious as I do, call your representative today!  The guy has let power go to his head!

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