White Supremacists are Domestic Terrorists. Period!

Not your typical Sunday Afternoon Parade in Hometown America

It's hard to believe what the United States of America has become in four short years. Sure, it had its problems, like any other years.  But the wheels came completely off the tracks this time.  Today, we are divisive, angry, selfish, and tribal.  And many are finding it easier to side with not only our worst adversaries, but they are picking up the banner of someone we fought and thought we destroyed way back in 1945.  The Confederate Flag and the Nazi Swastika Emblem seem to be alive and well in America.

These ugly visual displays are out in full force and marching with other antigovernmental tribes such as: Trump's MAGA, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnon, and a few names we probably haven't even heard yet.  Some of these mobs have been around longer than four years ago, but they have all crawled out of the swamp since the former president welcomed them to his rallies.  He gave them fame and fortune and they are not about to go away.

But the worst side of this story is to come.  America can send these domestic terrorists packing, but they are being encouraged to stick around and are being given aid and comfort to none other than the Grand Old Party of Republicans.  Those right-wing members of the U.S. House and Senate are solidly behind these terrorist mob tactics - some are even participating!

The Republican Party of America has been manhandled, disrupted, and manipulated by Donald J. Trump until it is unrecognizable. They are a shadow of their former self and appear to be quite satisfied with their leader.  Even though his thuggery is gone, several make frequent trips to his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida to kiss his ring and rump. Unbelievably, many still look to him as the head of their mangled and heading-for-the-cliff band of nitwits!

Until the GOP decides who they really are, America is in a world of hurt.  We not only have to contend with these domestic terrorists but we must also deal with the Republican Party of Trump.

My hope is this:  Bring back the Grand "OLD" Party and get rid of those in Congress who are scaring the hell out of everybody!

Of course, the Republicans have a few newbies who have been recently elected and are scaring the hell out of America, too! Hopefully, they are an anomaly. . . and not a trending thing.


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