Sunday, May 30, 2021

Captain Cult's Civil War II. . .

Captain Cult of the "Big Lie"
The Civil War in the United States began in 1861 after simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery and states' rights.  The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 caused seven southern states to secede and form the Confederate States of America; four more states soon joined them. The War Between the States, as the Civil War was also known, ended in Confederate surrender in 1865. The conflict was the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 6220,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and much of the South left in ruin.

In 1860, within three months, those southern states - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas had seceded from the United States.

As Lincoln took office in March 1861, Confederate forces threatened the federal-held Fort Sumter in Charles, South Carolina.  On April 12, after Lincoln ordered a fleet to resupply Sumter, Confederate artillery fired the first shots of the Civil war. Sumter's commander, Major Robert Anderson, surrendered after less than two days of bombardment, leaving the fort in the hands of Confederate forces under Pierre G. T. Beauregard.  Four more southern states - Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined the Confederacy. 

In recent years, various states have threatened to secede, but thus far it has only been threats. 

The reasons for today's anger mainly centers around states' rights, immigration, and the country's white population becoming a minority by 2045.  Various states' hostility brings about concerns like voter suppression, gun control, and a perception of ballot fraud.

But, it is enough to foresee major concerns for another Civil War in the minds of many Americans as they watch the nation's togetherness dissolve. 

I have a news flash for everyone:  Civil War II has already started!

Former President Donald Trump has seen to that.  He continues to beat the drum that the 2020 election was fraught with fraud, even though all fifty states election officials have seen no such evidence. In most minds, he is simply a very poor loser, but within his cult he is a hero and must be championed. They do not see the wool being pulled over their eyes by "Captain Cult."  They are in a zone of perpetual peace and tranquility as the world whirls around them. They will vote for him again whenever he gives them that wink and nod. He is their "alpha and omega!"

He has sounded the bugle for Civil War II with nary a thought about the death and destruction it will cause.  Even the insurrection of our Capitol gave him happy goosebumps as he watched it play out on his private television set.  Onlookers saw, with horror, the delight he was experiencing.

As gun and ammunition sales soar, he reminded his mindless cult on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021 that "you must fight like hell or you will lose your country!" He meant, of course, his country.

Does anyone think Captain Cult will pick up a musket?

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The QAnon tentacles have burrowed deep into the GOP

The QAnon That Sprang From The Gutter Of A GOP Mind 

"Where We Go One We Go All"

October 2017, an anonymous user put a series of posts on the message board 4chan. The user signed off as "Q" and claimed to have a level of U.S. security approval knows as "Q clearance." These messages became known as "Q drops" or "breadcrumbs," often written in cryptic language peppered with slogans, pledges and pro-Trump themes. Supporters of the QAnon movement were among the crowd that stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. Several prominent activists were spotted inside the building, and other flew Q-themed banners inside and out. 

Former President Trump - viewed as a hero by the movement - has stopped short of endorsing the conspiracy theory but has described QAnon activists as "people who love our country." At its heart, QAnon is a wide-ranging, completely unfounded theory that says former president Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business and the media.

QAnon believers have speculated that this fight will lead to a day of reckoning where prominent people such as former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed.

It is so hard for level-headed Americans to believe that such a cult as this can gain so much attention.  They came onto the scene during the Trump years and have buried themselves deep into the new Republican Party of Trump.  It is a pure cult and with no signs of a designated leader. either!

The closest thing to a mouthpiece for the cult is U.S. House Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA). Other Republicans in Congress are kind of wishy-washy about exactly which cult is their cup of tea. They all can agree, however, that they lean toward white supremacy as their go-to flavor of the week.

The Republican Party of Trump has become a rag-tag collection of nitwits. liars, and traitors such as: Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Rick Scott, John Barrasso, Steve Daines, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, John Kennedy, Lindsey Graham, Louie Gohmert....and a clump of others.

I've been deeply interested and involved with American Politics for more than sixty years - 32 years in the newspaper business and 40 years as a political cartoonist.  I always wanted to be an elected member of government to do something for my country, but I couldn't see myself ever becoming one of the "great unwashed" candidates who had neither the money or powerful influence necessary to expose themselves to the indignity of campaigning. 

But, as Terry Malloy (played by Marlon Brando "On the Waterfront") said, "I could-a been a contender"...if it just wasn't for that mob of unamerican Republicans!

Today, we have ivy-league college idiots who got themselves elected and the minute they found the key to their office they dove into the deep end of the political pool and began looking for the reporters, television cameras, and microphones. They are a scary new crop of buffoons who have trolled their hometown voters into believing they are the next Abraham Lincoln. In reality, they are a menagerie of misfits who need to be sorted out and tossed aside.

These clowns have mistakenly taken Yogi Berra's advice: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Listed as America's Public Enemy Number One. . .

From out of the swamp came the "Homegrown Terrorists" with all of the ugly and menacing terror the former president could ask of them.

He cajoled, promised, incited, and praised their efforts to the heavens. He incited their lust for power and recognition!

And they did not fail him.

Homegrown, or domestic, terrorism is a form in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims. There are many definitions of terrorism, and none of them are universally accepted. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premediated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups of clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience." There is no Federal criminal offense designated as domestic terrorism.

Homeland Security and the Department of Justice has recently labeled America's number one enemy today as Domestic Terrorism
Sadly, it is a label that they wear with great pride. They were enlisted by a segment of the Republican Party of Trump to join them in their fight to overturn the 2020 election and disrupt the very guardrails of our constitution and our democracy.  There seems to be no actions too corrupt and no laws too binding for them to cross. There is but one goal: Win at all cost!

Many Americans believe we are headed toward another Civil War.  

In truth, however, we are already in it.  It may not look like the way the last one started, but the times are different now. This time, they have slowly and methodically armed millions of their "believers" and brainwashed them to accept their conspiracy theories and bald-faced lies.  They have convinced them that our democracy is outdated and our nation is no longer a land of "white supremacy." In roughly forty-four years, according to our census experts, whites will be the minority race. This does not sit well with domestic terrorists.

Don't expect things to magically get back to normal. We are not the America we used to be.  We are no longer that "shining city on the hill."  We cannot awaken tomorrow and expect to see the sun shining on everyone, the people happy and together, and the nation at peace.

Those days are gone.

And they won't come back until we fix the Republican-incited terrorist problems.



Monday, May 24, 2021


 "If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's, but between patriotism and intelligence on one side and superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other.   

- Ulysses S. Grant

As I said in my last blog, I am through writing about the problems that brought America to the brink. Endless words and pictures about the evil that championed our democracy is no longer relevant. Heaping blame on those treasonists who brought us to this catastrophe is pointless.

We need to focus our attention on setting things right. And, the first order of business should be to cleanse our congressional ranks of all who are working to overthrow our democracy and its present form of government. These elected officials are poisoning our government!

Do I believe these despicables can conceivably prosecute another civil war? Absolutely!  Do I believe the majority of American people are ready for it? Absolutely not! The main reason they aren't is because they cannot fathom such a cataclysm happening here in the "greatest nation on earth." 

There is only one way to explain to them why it is not only possible, but it is inevitable: Remember Jan. 6th! 

How do we convince those who have been led astray by a false prophet that it will lead us all to damnation?  

The only answer I can come up with is to convince those who led them down the wrong path to stand up, confess, and tell them it really was just a "Big Lie!" 

Like Ulysses S. Grant said, ". . . the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's, but between patriotism and intelligence on one side, and superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other." 

So, get the "arsonists" out of congress so they cannot start any more fires, and get all local law enforcement, FBI, and national guard to begin a dragnet to round up domestic terrorists and charge them with sedition, treason, etc. We have already let this go way too far!

Are we patriots, or are we patsies? 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Truth is no longer a debatable issue. . .

If you are as mad as I am, let me give you one more final thing to top off your day:

The Republican Party has turned our nation over to the ugliest nest of homegrown terrorists we have ever seen. Under the evil eye of America's most evil and treasonous former President we have ever had, we now have at least 70 million who claim to be Republican who are supporting  these terrorists. 

The worst part of this picture is the likelihood that we will never be able to get out from under their destruction!  

We have elected office holders in the U.S. House and Senate who are openly defying our democracy, our constitution, and human decency.  We know of people in every state of the union who are solidly behind these Cretans.  The right-wing voters will eagerly place into office the craziest of the crazies and support their every evil act. Why are these people still in office? 

This is no longer politics!  This is like an evil game the Republicans are playing.  And, it is crippling our democracy to a point that I cannot see how it will be able to return to normalcy.  It is as if the Republican members of congress have gone berserk and are are not looking back. Their allegiance is to one man and he has no allegiance to anyone accept himself. That makes for a frightening conclusion.  The Grand Old Party is now the Party of Trump and it is on a collision course with a questionable destiny.  

They are not really fighting with the Democrats any longer.  Their fight is with anyone who opposes their goals of total control of our government!

America has never been faced with this before.  It is an actual, bonafide attempt by the Republican Party of Trump, with the help of homegrown terrorists, to wrestle control of all three branches of our government by whatever means possible.  If they lose an election, they will simply find a way to nullify the voters' results and name their own winners.  This may seem ridiculous to you, but it is happening now in Arizona and they have more states in their sights.  It is being reported that Georgia will be next, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania on their list. The real threat, however, is they have found a way to manipulate their base to believe anything they tell them!

It is the "Big Lie" that Trump has convinced 70 million voters is really the "truth." Conspiracy Theorists and outright liars are calling the shots today in America. Truth is no longer debatable. The truth-teller will be shouted down and run out of town every time. 

I wish this were a political ploy, but it isn't. America has let it go too far.  The "Big Lie" has taken roots.

I'm tired of writing about it, talking about it, and thinking about it.  I know many of you are, too.

Younger minds and bodies need to take up the fight.  After all, it's their future!


Friday, May 21, 2021

The Wooden Elephant of the Grand Old Party of Trump

In the cold, still night of Jan. 20, 2017, the Republican Party of Trump wheeled in their secret weapon against America.

Its purpose was the same as that of the Greeks in 1184 B.C. During the Trojan War, they left in ships, leaving behind a large wooden horse as a victory offering. It was hauled inside the walls of Troy, and Greek soldiers descended from the horse's belly after dark to slay the guards and commence destruction of the city.

Thus was born the Grand Old Party of Trump.

Inside a wooden elephant was the indescribable terror that the nation would come to know as Donald J. Trump, President of the United States! After dark, he climbed down from the elephant's belly, slithered into the Oval Office,  and began his carnage on America.

The Republican Party of Trump would reign for four tortuous years. The stench consumed every nook and cranny. The lies came often and insufferably. The corruption hung in the night air like odorous gases from the swamp where his cabinet creatures crawled into power. Together, they and the wooden elephant's inhabitant had commenced their destruction across America.

Most of us survived the four years, but that cretin from the wooded elephant is still with us.  Why is he still around?  Why is the Republican Party of Trump still worshiping at his alter? Why are they still making pilgrimages to his temple in Mar-a-Lago?

The Party is turning itself inside out in order to appease the man/god.  They have thrown to the winds all principles their Party had held as good and decent.  The Party's leaders and loyal supporters have jeopardized the last bit of respect they once held. The "great Trump" has reduced them to a pile of smoldering elephant excrement.

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury (Donald), not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them. . .
The noble (McConnell) hath told you (Donald) was ambitious:
It it were so, it was a grievous fault." 

We must find find a way out of this maze of deceit that has been constructed by the Republican Party of Trump.  It is tearing our country - and our democracy - apart. Donald seems to still be barking out all of the orders!

Worse yet, they know of their demolition - and appear to care not one whit!


Color Arizona Crazy!

Arizona Republican's Cyber Ninja Ballot Auditor

We can now say we have seen everything, America!

Almost no one involved in elections or politics in Florida, where the Cyber Ninja company is headquartered, seems to have heard of it or knows anything about it.  For your average voter in Arizona, however, just knowing the company is from Florida should tell you enough to never let them enter your state.  Unless, of course, you are a Trump Republican who enjoys this kind of disturbing entertainment.

The founder, Doug Logan, who registered his firm in Sarasota, Florida in 2014, is even less known.  Christian Ziegler, vice chair of the Republican Party of Florida said, "Cyber Ninjas? No. Never heard of them!"  Ziegler was echoing a dozen top Florida Republicans and election professionals who were interviewed.

Cyber Ninja has never conducted an audit of any kind - much less an important election count in a battleground state like Arizona.  It calls into question Arizona GOP's claim that the company is right for the controversial job of auditing 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County, which includes the Phoenix metro area. 

Wack-a-doodle nonsense like looking for rice in or on the tens of thousands of paper ballots that someone said came from a "southeastern country" (China?), and using phony light sources as they look for "discrepancies" in ballots seems to be their style of "auditing."  

The entire shindig is outrageous, deceitful, and downright embarrassing to American politics.  No press is allowed inside, but some photos have been smuggled out.  Outsiders who tried to enter were met with bizarre questions and accusations.  

The Arizona Secretary of State announced late yesterday that all election machines from around the county will need to be tossed and replaced.  The machines the Cyber Ninja people are using can no longer be trusted for use in another election! 

Many in the Arizona GOP are opposed to the looney-tune goings-on by these warped ninjas, but the circus is still alive and up to no good.  As a matter of fact, Republicans in other states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. are eager to replicate the bizarre sideshow.

America, how long are we going to placate these whining, spoiled bullies who are the poorest losers ever?

Let's get to the heart of this folly.  Donald Trump is promoting this evil endeavor because it is bringing in millions of dollars to his war chest. He has been behind this ludicrous "audit" from the beginning - and he's not about to give up! 

Somehow, we have to get him out of our politics!


Thursday, May 20, 2021


"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft 
interred with their bones."  - William Shakespeare

After viewing the 2021 State Legislative Session, we can say with complete certainty that the bones of Montana Republicans of Gianforte will be one day interred, but they will be void of any good. The evil, however, will, indeed, live long, long, long after them!

The cantankerous Republicans passed at least five laws that will be challenged in Montana courts.  They knew they would be, and built a phony fight with the Montana Supreme Court to clear the way for their accusations of bias against their Republican Party.  It is a little conspiracy trick they learned from a guy named Trump.  The GOP has raised all kinds of hell through the media to prove a cockamamie conspiracy theory that Montana's high court is out to "get those Republicans."

Good luck with that.  But, they do get an "D" for dumbness.

The Attorney General, Republican Austin Knudsen, is accusing the Montana Supreme Court of "impropriety, threatening and maligning his staff" and chides them for "incorrect and inappropriate" behavior. 

The Gianforte gang is closing in on political corruption on a scale that equals the evil of the former President of the United States!  And this dangerous bunch is just getting started.

Two of the laws that were shoved down the throats of Montanans are: Concealed weapons allowed on Montana's college campuses that is being fought by the Board of Regents, and a harsh new limit on abortions that may be unconstitutional. Others will also wind their way through courts and undoubtedly end up in the highest court.

You can always tell a Republican - But you can't tell 'em much!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How The Congressional GOP Is Annihilating Our Democracy

Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said, "The attack on our Capitol was provoked by the president."  He also was quoted as saying, "Trump was practically and morally responsible for the Capitol attack."

Today, however, he is rethinking his story and is opposing the commission's investigation of the entire matter.

Minority Leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy, had an "expletive-laced phone call with the then-President Donald Trump while the Capitol was under attack. He was begging Trump to tell the rioters to stop the attack and go home.

The response from Trump was, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.

Those who could see Trump during the attack said he was in a "joyous mood"..."like he was happy and excited."

Today, these three pillars of leadership have decided they want nothing to do with the newly-formed commission to investigate the insurrection on our Capitol.  They have found that the commission will have subpoena powers to call anyone in to testify.  Of course, the quotes (as shown above) will make them all look guilty as sin. Ah, and there be the rub!

In order for the commission to begin it's work, both houses must vote to give it the green light. It is unfathomable that the GOP leadership and many of their members in the U.S. House and Senate could stop this commission from doing their job.

Instructions from McCarthy and McConnell have already gone out to their members saying how damaging to the Party it will be if the investigation comes to fruition.

America, we are watching the total annihilation 
of our rule of law and system of justice
by the Grand Old Republican Party of Trump!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy IS PART OF THE PROBLEM!

 The Scene at the Capitol's "Tourist  Gathering"

"House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy opposed legislation today (May 18, 2021) that would create a bipartisan commission to study the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which some lawmakers have suggested could subpoena him as a witness.

The leaders of the Homeland Security Committee - Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss, and Rep. John Katko of New York, the top Republican on the panel - unveiled the legislation to create a 10-member commission that would issue a report by Dec. 31, 2021.

The House was expected to vote on the legislation tomorrow. The Senate must still consider it. the Biden administration supports the bill. 'The Nation deserves such a full and fair accounting to prevent violence and strengthen the security and resilience of our democratic institutions,' the White House said.

Several Republicans questioned the severity of the attack that left five dead and 140 police officers injured. Rioters temporarily halted the counting of Electoral College votes that confirmed President Joe Biden's victory against former President Donald Trump.

But McCarthy, of California, opposed the bill and accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, of dragging her feet in negotiations.  He said that numerous committees are reviewing the event and that the Architect of the Capitol, which oversees the building and grounds, was allocated $10 million to remedy security vulnerabilities.

'While the speaker has wasted time playing political games, numerous congressional and intergovernmental agency efforts have picked up the slack,' McCarthy said.

Pelosi accused Republicans of cowardice and said she was pleased to have bipartisan legislation to create a commission."
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY, May 18, 2021

It appears someone is frightened and panicking!  What ever is Kevin going to say to his Mar-a-Lago Wizard of Ahhhs on his next visit?

The deplorables who are currently calling the shots for the Republican Party of Trump in our U.S. House and Senate have waded into the swamp a little too far this time.  They are frantically trying to stop the commission of unelected officials from meeting. They will also have subpoena power, which scares them even more.

Can you imagine what is rattling around in the mind of that man in Mar-a-Lago?  It will be just one more nail in his "coffin."

This insurrection of our Capitol on Jan. 6 was meant. by the Republicans, to bring down our 2020 election and our democracy!  It was a deadly coup attempt that failed, but it served all Americans of what Republican politicos can do when they put their minds to it.

Next time they might succeed and turn us into a real "banana republic."


Monday, May 17, 2021

REPUBLICANS: "Stop the Steal" of our democracy!

 The Republican Party of Trump can fairly be labeled as Domestic Terrorists

A rebellion is an act of violent or open resistance to an established government. In order to understand the motives for today's Republican rebellion, we need to look at the people involved.

Republicans are expected to believe the "Big Lie," pretend they do, or at bare minimum, not let it be known that they don't. State Republican leaders from Georgia to Arizona have been flamed by Trump or his close followers for standing against the lies. Only a select few in Washington are defying him, for they, too, know that doing so comes with a cost.

Everyone caught up in Trump's relentless election claims agrees a "Big Lie" is at the heart of the matter. President Biden says so. Rep. Liv Cheney said so. Dominion Voting Systems alleges in a massive lawsuit that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani "manufactured and disseminated the "Big Lie."

Former Republican Rep. Denver Riggleman, said "This message is working." He pointed to strong local fund-raising and poll numbers to Trump loyalists.

Riggleman said, "If you've got to say things you don't believe in, as long as that leads to a win, that's what's most important."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green said, "I only believe some of what QAnon says about Democrats being satanic worshipers." She has promoted the baseless "Big Lie," and is under intense scrutiny from her own party following her promotion of conspiracy theories and inflammatory comments supporting violence against other lawmakers.

At least 67 House Democrats have signed on to a forthcoming resolution that calls for the expulsion of Rep. Taylor-Greene. She has been removed from all of her committee assignments. However, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he has met with her and finds no reason to punish her further.

The list of rebellious Republicans still serving in the U.S. House and Senate who voted to overturn the Electoral College results, claim to be believers of the "Big Lie," and played some part in inciting the insurrection of our Capitol is appalling in length and deeds. 

This is today's Republican Party!  This is the hate-filled denizens who still serve as our lawmakers.  And make no mistake about it: These are the treasonous right-wing rebels who are out to destroy our democracy. And, apparently, they will go to any lengths to do it!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Trip Down Memory Lane with Charles Schulz's Lucille "Lucy" Van Pelt'

When it comes to being "crabby" all of the time, consider my all-time favorite Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schulz:

Lucy: (as she yells at the mirror) "Who is CRABBIEST of us all?  
I have a question. Linus..."

Linus: "I'm watching TV!"

Lucy: "Do you think I'm crabby?"

Linus: "Of course! You're probably the most crabby person the world has ever known."

Lucy: "Some people are up one day and down the never know how to take wouldn't want me to be like that would you?  And who can be pleasant all the time? No one can be pleasant all the time...What do you expect of me?"

Linus: "I don't expect anything of you."

Lucy: "You're no help at all!  All right, how about this? How about a year's schedule which gives you two hundred pleasant days, one hundred "really up" days, sixty crabby days and five "Really down days?  I could live with that, I think..."

Lucy:  "Can we call today one of the "really down" days?"

Linus: "Sure...why not?"

Lucy:  "WHOP!"
(she punches poor Linus butt over teakettle)

Lucy:  "This is going to be great...I still have four "really down" days left and I haven't even touched my sixty crabby days!"

Have a pleasant day, people...and save those crabby ones!


Friday, May 14, 2021

Soon Will Come the Revolution. . .

CAPITALISM economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Capitalism is bad.  It ignores people's needs, results in wealth inequality, and does not promote equal opportunity. Capitalism also encourages mass consumption, is unsustainable, and provides an incentive for business owners to harm the environment for monetary gain.  It is also very unstable.

Capitalism begets greed and greed begets power.  Power, in turn, will beget more greed. That causes an unstable and dangerous inequality in the nation.  A mere 1% of the population holds the wealth equal to the entire bottom half of the total population. It will erode more than 75% of the country's confidence level in their government. Eventually, even the 1% will grow weary of the government and, through their political power, will begin to change laws to assist them in their thirst for more greed and greater power.

This, of course, is where the Republican Party enters the problem.

Americans, today, are asking why the GOP is so divided and unyielding in their belligerence and arrogance. They have thrown our democracy under the bus and are devising a make a new system of justice that will better fit their drive for money and power.

As traditional members of their political party begin to rebel against the new rules and outlandish lies, those of the far-right and ultra-zealots movement begin to put forward a battle that has absolutely no rules.  It becomes a "survival of the loyalists!"

All because of the one thing - capitalism - that our founding fathers were keenly aware of but were certainly against seeing it to this conclusion.  They could not have imagined the greed and  power today's seething capitalists would thirst for!

Today's capitalist have conveniently ignored the most important thing that began this "great experiment, democracy." We were founded on  "We the People" and nearly all Americans will fight to the death for that concept.  

Republicans are at a dangerous place in our political crisis.  They have turned their party over to the wrong people.  These scoundrels have only their selfish interest to feed - and no one else.  Worst of all, the Republican voters of America feel they will reach some "glory land" by supporting them, but they will be as sorely mistaken as the people of Germany were in 1945. 

And, perhaps, all that the rest of us can do is sit and wait.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

"We're all quite mad here. You'll fit right in."

When Alice followed that rabbit down the rabbit hole, she was not expecting the kind of welcoming she received. At the Mad Hatter's party, she realized she was in a bad place.

Today, a new member of the U.S. House of Representatives would probably get the same welcoming. It must be a nightmare for someone to view in horror the venom of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, or Matt Gaetz. They, and others, can be overwhelming in their terrorist-type approach to politics.

The Mad Hatter quipped to Alice, "We're all quite made here. You'll fit right in." His implication was simple: "We hope you are as mad as we are, because that will make all of us normal."

When Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks, he always all of us to think he is speaking for ALL Republicans in the House.  While that is far from the truth, in his head he believes he is speaking from a "united Party." If a Republican in the House opposes that thinking and speaks out against it, they will feel his - and his radical cohort's - wrath  - such as Rep. Liz Cheney did.  

It's a maddening way to govern, but we are all  finding ourselves viewing a very strange  "Mad Hatter's" House Party, too. We've been pulled into the mess - whether we've wanted to or not!  The orders of the day are for certain members to search out the media and see how many lies they can tell before they are cut off.

However, smart money is on the Grand Old Party of Trump to  come crashing down - soon!  It can't possibly hold together through another election cycle. Many have even spoken openly about a "civil war" within the Party before its demise.  With the strange words and evil deeds flying around between those who want to return to normalcy and those who are hell-bent on a white supremacists-type take-over, anything is possible.

Rep. Liz Cheney, who was bounced from her leadership role yesterday, is openly defying the former president and the defeat of anyone who insists on kneeling at his feet. Conversely, the former president has promised to offer up a loyalists of his own to oppose her in the next Wyoming Primary.

I know it sounds crazy, but while I believe America still has two major political parties, part of one is not like the other part, and the other one is not at all like either one of the one with two parts.

I told you, it's like reading Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and the part about the tea party of the "Mad Hatter."

"Eat me," and you can shrink small enough to get through the door.  "Drink me," and you can grow tall enough to reach the door knob.

"Empty out your brain," and you will then be just like us!

McCarthy, Scalise, and Stefanik (assumed). . . Top Three House GOP "Big Lie" Believers

Rep. Liz Cheney has been removed from the third highest GOP position in the U.S. House of Representatives by a voice vote and a "here's your coat, what's your hurry."  She had the audacity to say that the 2020 election was not stolen from the former president. She told reporters this morning that she "will do everything she can to make sure that Trump never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office."

When Trump responded with a promise that he would find another Republican to run against her in her 2022 primary in Wyoming, she said, "Bring it on!"

I just don't think these wack-a-doodles who are carrying the flag of lies for their former president know which direction the sun comes up. There are approximately 100 Republicans in the U.S. House who have said they are ready to march in defense of the "regular" Grand Old Party.  That's a good-sized crowd!

If Elise Stefanik is voted in to replace Cheney, that will put the top three House leaders in the Trump camp. They will continue to spread the word that the election was stolen and the "Big Lie" is alive and well.  This will make an excellent recipe for a "civil war" within the Party.  All because their former president is making Kool-Aid in 55-gallon barrels and rolling them down the halls of congress! 
McCarthy told the media on Monday that the Party must unite and accept Trump's "Big Lie."  Last week, Sen. Graham said, "the Party cannot move forward without Trump."

Today, as McCarthy exited the White House, he said, "I think everybody has accepted that the election was won by Biden and is a done deal."

Tomorrow. . . Who knows what they'll say?

The remnants of the Grand Old Party are struggling to pull itself together, but more than 150 members of the "original Party" are threatening to either kick the extremists out or they will start a new Party. That will take some doing. . . and probably an internal civil war like no one has even considered yet. 

However, they should also be well on their way toward plans and policies for the 2022 mid-terms. There will be votes to whip, More lies to tell, more visits to Mar-a-Lago, and bodies to count. At the same time, there will be civil war plans, uniforms to design, MAGA/Cheney caps to consider, skirmish lines to draw, and - again -  bodies to count.

The Trump acolytes have their hands full, but just maybe that will be a good thing.  Now if we could just find something out of the country for Trump to do...for the next eight or nine years!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

I Am Mad As Hell. . .

Every person needs to express their thoughts about the nation and world. They need to let their mind open up and spill out onto listening ears and curious eyes about what is bothering them. It is a human characteristic that needs to be released.  It is a cleansing of the mind and soul.  And, if that isn't enough, it just feels so darn good, too!

As I stroll past eighty-three years of life, I think about how I've probably seen about everything worth seeing.  But then, a little over four year ago, something unbelievable happened. America elected the most uncaring, uneducated, uncivilized, and "poster boy of the great unwanted" human being who ever stepped foot into the Oval Office. Those are probably his better points.

He was and is corrupt, criminal, immoral, deceptive, a pathological liar, narcissistic, and sadistic. And he was President of the United States of  America for four long years - and now he refuses to accept defeat at the ballot boxes.

This can't be happening in my country. The spawns of Trump's evil narratives are plentiful in the U.S. House and Senate. They are seditious and treasonous and patriotic minds in America want to know why they are allowed to stay in office. They are no longer working for our country - they are working for their new political party! And, they are pursuing an agenda that would destroy our government, our  constitution and our democracy. 

We have many congressional members in the Republican Party who have rewritten their job descriptions to direct them to aggressively become subversive and obstructive. In short, we are allowing the "tail to wag the dog."  They see but one role for themselves and that is to be a traitor to the American cause and prosecute a coup on our system of government. The idea of working for the people has left them.

This is "banana republic" thinking. If it was hatched among ordinary citizens, it would have been tamped down at its inception.  But the fact that this maniacal event that happened on Jan. 6, 2021 was incited by the president and echoed by his congressional cohorts raises the threat against our democracy to an unbelievably high level.  

We have to understand that our country is under attack by the former president who thinks he still holds office,  
and members of his party who still do hold office!

The alarming part of this is that our Department of Justice did nothing in the previous administration to charge these congressional people, and the current Attorney General has also done nothing that we're aware of.  

These traitors have no business carrying out their subversive acts while claiming to be working for the American people. This is reprehensible!  

The guilty are standing in plain sight and speaking of their treasonous acts for the who nation and the world to see and hear.  It is not as if there is insufficient evidence.  Anyone with a sound mind could prosecute their cases to successful conclusions, and sentences could be removal from office, jail time, and deportation.  

But we cannot allow the evil to continue.  These people intend to bring down our government and we seem to be letting it happen! In order to convince the millions of Republicans around the country who still say they believe that the 2020 election was stolen, we need to force the former president and the current Republican office holders to admit to them that it was not!

We need to know where the Justice Department is on their investigations of those who were involved in the Jan. 6th Insurrection of our Capitol and the Republican Members of Congress who were complicit in the vicious act! 

There is a place below to leave a comment on my blog.  I hope you would give me your thoughts on this matter.  Or, if you prefer, you can leave a comment on this Facebook post.




Monday, May 10, 2021

The Donald and Ronald Show. . .


How lucky can a brand new American Political Party get?  The Republicans Of Trump (ROT) will have their new organization ready and rarin' to go just in time for 2024!

There are curious rumors that a gruesome twosome might be headlining the ticket.  They would be none other than Donald Trump and Ronald DeSantis.  You remember these guys - liars of the highest order, voter suppressionists of an even higher order, and corrupt to the bone!  Like two peas in a pod.  Like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano. Like Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber.

If this sh**-show gets off the ground, I'll buy my wife a new car for her birthday.  Donnie and Ronnie are high-octane, juiced-up narcissistic egomaniacs who lack the acumen to change the lightbulb  in a desk lamp.  But they do know how to gin up their base of nitwits to get the job done.  They are to be feared simply because America has learned that today's Republican voters do not spend a lot of time and research on who to vote for.  Also, if their leader says, "go turn our Capitol into trash and overturn the election while you're at it," they'll damn well do it.  

The Grand Old Party was different. It was the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Senior.  But, it all went to hell after those guys. A gaggle of newbies from Harvard decided they had the smarts necessary to take the Party in a new direction.  They had big and scary ideas they hatched while drinking in their dorm rooms one night.  They decided it would be beneficial to someone if they let America's "democracy experiment" cool for awhile. Maybe back away from some of our "frivolous" civil rights laws and restrictions on who gets to vote would be a great idea, too.  And, if we don't like who wins an election, we could just fake fraudulent numbers, overturn the results, and pick whoever we want. That would be so much easier, and the decisions could be kept neat and tidy with the guy in the Oval Office!

Some are saying Trump and DeSantis are going to be unbeatable.  Or will it be DeSantis and Trump?  Whatever, it'll be an unbeatable "dream team". . . or will that be a "nightmare team?"

Why don't you decide.