An Inconvenient Truth or a Reassuring Lie?

A "Reassuring lie" is the stand Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy is demanding of his Republican members of the U.S. House of  Representatives.

McCarthy stands at the lectern and speaks of stripping third-ranking GOP member of the House, Liz Cheney.  The House is hushed.

"She was my friend, and faithful and just to me. But then, Liz was ambitious, and would not accept the "reassuring lie" about the January 6th Insurrection of the Capitol.  Rep. Steve Scalise said she clasped the "inconvenient truth" to her bosom and rejected all other. He said she denounced the "great one" and his "Big Lie," and Rep. Scalise is an honorable man."

McCarthy continued, "I speak not to disapprove of Rep. Cheney, but rather I am here to speak of the lies I do know. I know you all did love her once, not without cause, so what cause withholds you then, to mourn for her now?

O judgment! thou are fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason.  Bear with me; my heart is in the coffin there with sister Liv, and I must pause till it comes back to me.

Farewell, Lady Cheney, you  have spurned the "great one" and his "Big Lie."   You refuse to repent and take the hand of the "great one" and accept his "reassuring lie" as your own."

A very rough parody of Mark Anthony's words at Caesar's funeral.

The ugly fact that a major political party in America in the year 2021 can denounce one of its members because she refuses to accept the "Big Lie" by the former president of the United States of America, and prefers to accept the truth, is unbelievable!  Conversely, nearly all of her fellow GOP House members have bought into the lie and are refusing to allow the truth to see the light of day.

What in the name of decency and truth has this horde of misfits turned into?  The former president knows the truth, the Democrat Party knows the truth. The bet is that 99% of the Congressional Republicans know the truth. A huge majority of American Voters know the truth. And Liz Cheney knows the truth.

Kevin McCarthy knows the truth - but he and his House Republicans are going to remove Rep. Cheney from her duties because she cannot accept the lie. Party politics is one thing - honesty to oneself and the American People is quite another!

And yet, this political party believes American voters should give them control of the U.S. House next year!  Should we also allow the devil to be their Chaplin? 

I do not believe I am living in America anymore. 



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