Monday, May 3, 2021

Give Rosendale the landfills and cemeteries, Everything else to the new Democrat Representative


So, Montana galloped past one million cowpokes and various other critters to earn another U.S. Representative spot. We actually have two spots to fill, because I just can't count the Matt Rosendale win as a "filled" spot - if you know what I mean.  Oh, he has the job, I guess, but he is about as worthless as teats on a boar.

The job of carving up the state will soon begin. That will likely get very messy. And the bevy of political hacks who will want to do the carving should put on a real circus! 

Redistricting a state is not for queasy stomachs and faint of heart.  It has led to near-mob riots in other states and with the power grab of the Republicans in Montana this year, we may be in for a real barn burner. 

I have no idea how one would even begin to start the carving. Who gets first call?  Which population area would you first claim?  Will the choosers get to bring concealed weapons to the table? What about knives?  Tomahawks?  Bow and arrows?

It's gonna' be something.  

I hope they televise the whole thing.  Not for the entertainment of it - but rather for recorded proof of who killed whom during the process!

The Montana Redistricting War Will Start Soon

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