Sunday, May 2, 2021

A long, solemn intervention of "what the hell were they thinking" wouldn't hurt!


The Republican Party of today is a shifting, unrecognizable mirage that is slithering across the nation and leaving a trail of treason that has clouded the minds of once-patriotic Americans. It is completely unable to defend itself on criminal and moral grounds, and therefore must take a wildly grotesque stance of their version of a political offense and lie their butts off to the nation and the world! That action, however, will be short-lived and lead to the ruination of their Party. They either never learned or don't believe that one cannot lie their way out of trouble.  Today's lying fools will be in tomorrow's graveyard!


I listened to a couple tell a CNN reporter why they won't be taking the Covid-19 vaccination.  It boggled my mind.  The husband wore a red "Make America Great Again" cap and his wife was in a T-shirt that had wording I couldn't read.  They were both Trump supporters and have hopes he will be the president once again.  When they were asked why they are refusing the vaccine, he said, "it's my choice and I am free to make up my own mind. Trump came along at the right time and told all of us that we have the right to decide what to do with our lives."  His wife nodded, profusely, in agreement. 

It's the answer we get when the question is asked about where all of these "freedom to do as I damn well please" people came from. They've been sitting in their coffee shop booths and on their favorite drinking hole bar stools, waiting for a like-minded fool to come bumping down the road and get elected president!  "Lordy, gawd a-mighty, we've been saved! I'll be damned if he thinks just like us! He's gonna' let us do our thing, Maud, and we're free, we're free, gawd a-mighty, Maud, we're free at last!"

And that's how the Grand Old Party became the mess it is today!

All it took was a caldron full of Trump's hot Kool-Aid, a bucketful of eyes of newts, a couple dozen bat wings, and a promise to come to his big rally next Saturday night. It was going to be a rip-roaring good ol' time.  And y'all just whoop and holler your little lungs out, here?

The Republican Party of today is a shifting, unrecognizable mirage! It is slithering across the nation on its belly and hissing out a trail of lies that have clouded the minds of once-patriotic Americans. 

There is no clear solution to their problem except to retreat, regroup, and begin again.  A long, solemn intervention of "what the hell were they thinking" wouldn't hurt either!


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