The Wooden Elephant of the Grand Old Party of Trump

In the cold, still night of Jan. 20, 2017, the Republican Party of Trump wheeled in their secret weapon against America.

Its purpose was the same as that of the Greeks in 1184 B.C. During the Trojan War, they left in ships, leaving behind a large wooden horse as a victory offering. It was hauled inside the walls of Troy, and Greek soldiers descended from the horse's belly after dark to slay the guards and commence destruction of the city.

Thus was born the Grand Old Party of Trump.

Inside a wooden elephant was the indescribable terror that the nation would come to know as Donald J. Trump, President of the United States! After dark, he climbed down from the elephant's belly, slithered into the Oval Office,  and began his carnage on America.

The Republican Party of Trump would reign for four tortuous years. The stench consumed every nook and cranny. The lies came often and insufferably. The corruption hung in the night air like odorous gases from the swamp where his cabinet creatures crawled into power. Together, they and the wooden elephant's inhabitant had commenced their destruction across America.

Most of us survived the four years, but that cretin from the wooded elephant is still with us.  Why is he still around?  Why is the Republican Party of Trump still worshiping at his alter? Why are they still making pilgrimages to his temple in Mar-a-Lago?

The Party is turning itself inside out in order to appease the man/god.  They have thrown to the winds all principles their Party had held as good and decent.  The Party's leaders and loyal supporters have jeopardized the last bit of respect they once held. The "great Trump" has reduced them to a pile of smoldering elephant excrement.

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury (Donald), not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them. . .
The noble (McConnell) hath told you (Donald) was ambitious:
It it were so, it was a grievous fault." 

We must find find a way out of this maze of deceit that has been constructed by the Republican Party of Trump.  It is tearing our country - and our democracy - apart. Donald seems to still be barking out all of the orders!

Worse yet, they know of their demolition - and appear to care not one whit!



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