Sen. Daines Finally Made The "Big Time". . .

Montanans should recognize that character in the top row, fourth from the left.  Yep, he's one of them!  The "Dirty Dozen," some have call them.  Republicans all, and traitors to the core.  They all pledged to reject the results when Congress met to count the Electoral College votes and certify President-elect Biden's win over Trump.

Explain to me why I'm wrong to call them traitors.

Traitor: "1. one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty.  2. one who commits treason."  
Treason: "the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

The twelve people shown above rejected the results of what was certified by all fifty states a "fair and free election." They incited others to also reject the results by issuing strong statements on national television that the "election is being stolen!"  These twelve elected officials set into place a treasonous act against our government by their words and deeds.  They projected false claims about a completely fair election of America's voters in hopes of keeping the former president and his administration in office for another four years!

And for some, the chants of "Stop the Steal" are still reverberating across the country.  According to a recent poll, nearly 70% of all Republicans believe the election was stolen from Trump. A few GOP members of congress who disbelieve the lies, and say as much, are being threatened with removal from their elected offices by fellow Republicans.

These acts are unprecedented in America history!

The twelve traitors, when found guilty, need to be expelled from office. There should also be further investigations to see if more were involved.  This travesty of justice culminated with an insurrection of our Capitol on Jan.6, 2021 - 117 days ago - and there are still no charges filed against these people.


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