Wokeness. . . Who Knew?

 Wokeness:  The need to search for more knowledge, understanding, and truth in order to challenge injustice.

Democratic strategist James Carville says the Party has a "Wokeness" problem and stressed that their candidates need "to speak the way regular people speak" to earn their votes.

"I always tell people that we've got to stop speaking Hebrew and start speaking Yiddish," he told Vox. "We have to speak the way regular people speak, the way voters speak." He said, "It ain't complicated."

Carville praised Biden's first 100 days in office and said one of the president's strengths was his dismissal of "faculty lounge" politics, which the native Southerner defined as "people in faculty lounges in fancy colleges" that "use a different language than ordinary people."

"I don't know anyone who lives in a 'community of color.' I know lots of white and black and brown people and they all live in...neighborhoods!

We have to talk about race without using jargon-y language that's unrecognizable to most people, because it signals that you're trying to talk around them.  It's 'too cool for school's - doesn't work, and we have to stop it."

"If Democrats want power, they have to win in a country where 18 percent of the population controls 52 percent of the Senate seats," he said. "That's a fact. That's not changing. That's what this whole damn thing is about."

The man has a great point.  

How we speak is - in many ways - just as important as what we say.  If we want to get the attention of voters, we need to let them know we value a communication with them.  Honest and empathy have won many elections!

Let's not get into the muck and mire of lies and deceit.  There are two political parties, and one of them is not at all like the other!


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