Please, Great Wizard, may we have a brain and a heart?

All aboard!  The junket to see the "Wizard of Ahs**t" is about to leave on a non-stop to Mar-a-Lago and the chance to drink and dine with the Mighty One.

There is a powerful and highly secret meeting arranged with two of the Senate's Cult leaders and their quasi-president, the Donald.  While his new business cards show he is still the leader of the free world, in reality he is only the "great one behind the curtain" who is soon to be exposed as phony as a three-dollar bill.  He has been pulling levers and twisting fancy light switches, but he is just another crazy old man who can't take "no" for an answer!

Senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are flying down the yellow brick route to ask the Wizard for a brain and a heart. The brain is for Cruz and the heart is for Graham.  If the "great one" has any extra brains laying around, Cruz could box them up and bring them back to the GOP Senate Caucus where they're badly needed.

Graham recently said that the GOP badly needs Trump in order to move move the Party forward.  That is probably the dumbest thing he has ever been heard to say in public.  One could pass it off as left-over Kool-Aid binging from his last "meeting" with the "great one" but the words are reaching high-velocity Cult language.  These Mar-a-Lago trips to the Kool-Aid stands are beginning to warp  his effervescent and boyish charm and turning him into a downright mean and sinful Trumpster acolyte. 

Cruz, on the other hand, has been a slave of Trump practically since the "great one" crawled out of the swamp.  The Texas Senator has learned the evil ways of his idol, but has failed miserably at carrying them out.  He stumbles and falls on his face almost before he commits the foul.

For now, traveling to the man behind the curtain is only benefiting one of them - the Donald.  These two twits think they are building a pathway to stardom for the Trump Cult and they haven't figured out that there is really only room for one at the top of that heap.  The "Great Wizard of Ahs**t" doesn't even need lieutenants! 

Worse yet, Cruz and Graham might not even be aware that Donald is seeing others on the side. There's Taylor-Greene, Gaetz, Boebert, Jordan, McCarthy, Scott, Daines, Blackburn, Lee, and Kennedy, to name a few.

Yes, sir - Hail, Hail, the Cult is all here!  

It's yellow brick road for Kool-Aid, brains, and hearts from the big guy behind the curtain.  Pulling those levers, twisting those switches, talking into the microphone like a  ninny, and living in a narcissistic and imaginary dream world is what America is treated to these days. 

Rep. Liz Cheney had the courage to throw that curtain wide open, but will any of the elephants listen to her?

And guys like Cruz and Graham are dancing at the end of his strings like they had good sense.

With a menagerie of Kool-Aid drinkers like that, even I could'a been somebody!



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