Listed as America's Public Enemy Number One. . .

From out of the swamp came the "Homegrown Terrorists" with all of the ugly and menacing terror the former president could ask of them.

He cajoled, promised, incited, and praised their efforts to the heavens. He incited their lust for power and recognition!

And they did not fail him.

Homegrown, or domestic, terrorism is a form in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims. There are many definitions of terrorism, and none of them are universally accepted. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premediated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups of clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience." There is no Federal criminal offense designated as domestic terrorism.

Homeland Security and the Department of Justice has recently labeled America's number one enemy today as Domestic Terrorism
Sadly, it is a label that they wear with great pride. They were enlisted by a segment of the Republican Party of Trump to join them in their fight to overturn the 2020 election and disrupt the very guardrails of our constitution and our democracy.  There seems to be no actions too corrupt and no laws too binding for them to cross. There is but one goal: Win at all cost!

Many Americans believe we are headed toward another Civil War.  

In truth, however, we are already in it.  It may not look like the way the last one started, but the times are different now. This time, they have slowly and methodically armed millions of their "believers" and brainwashed them to accept their conspiracy theories and bald-faced lies.  They have convinced them that our democracy is outdated and our nation is no longer a land of "white supremacy." In roughly forty-four years, according to our census experts, whites will be the minority race. This does not sit well with domestic terrorists.

Don't expect things to magically get back to normal. We are not the America we used to be.  We are no longer that "shining city on the hill."  We cannot awaken tomorrow and expect to see the sun shining on everyone, the people happy and together, and the nation at peace.

Those days are gone.

And they won't come back until we fix the Republican-incited terrorist problems.




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