The QAnon tentacles have burrowed deep into the GOP

The QAnon That Sprang From The Gutter Of A GOP Mind 

"Where We Go One We Go All"

October 2017, an anonymous user put a series of posts on the message board 4chan. The user signed off as "Q" and claimed to have a level of U.S. security approval knows as "Q clearance." These messages became known as "Q drops" or "breadcrumbs," often written in cryptic language peppered with slogans, pledges and pro-Trump themes. Supporters of the QAnon movement were among the crowd that stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. Several prominent activists were spotted inside the building, and other flew Q-themed banners inside and out. 

Former President Trump - viewed as a hero by the movement - has stopped short of endorsing the conspiracy theory but has described QAnon activists as "people who love our country." At its heart, QAnon is a wide-ranging, completely unfounded theory that says former president Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business and the media.

QAnon believers have speculated that this fight will lead to a day of reckoning where prominent people such as former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed.

It is so hard for level-headed Americans to believe that such a cult as this can gain so much attention.  They came onto the scene during the Trump years and have buried themselves deep into the new Republican Party of Trump.  It is a pure cult and with no signs of a designated leader. either!

The closest thing to a mouthpiece for the cult is U.S. House Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA). Other Republicans in Congress are kind of wishy-washy about exactly which cult is their cup of tea. They all can agree, however, that they lean toward white supremacy as their go-to flavor of the week.

The Republican Party of Trump has become a rag-tag collection of nitwits. liars, and traitors such as: Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Rick Scott, John Barrasso, Steve Daines, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, John Kennedy, Lindsey Graham, Louie Gohmert....and a clump of others.

I've been deeply interested and involved with American Politics for more than sixty years - 32 years in the newspaper business and 40 years as a political cartoonist.  I always wanted to be an elected member of government to do something for my country, but I couldn't see myself ever becoming one of the "great unwashed" candidates who had neither the money or powerful influence necessary to expose themselves to the indignity of campaigning. 

But, as Terry Malloy (played by Marlon Brando "On the Waterfront") said, "I could-a been a contender"...if it just wasn't for that mob of unamerican Republicans!

Today, we have ivy-league college idiots who got themselves elected and the minute they found the key to their office they dove into the deep end of the political pool and began looking for the reporters, television cameras, and microphones. They are a scary new crop of buffoons who have trolled their hometown voters into believing they are the next Abraham Lincoln. In reality, they are a menagerie of misfits who need to be sorted out and tossed aside.

These clowns have mistakenly taken Yogi Berra's advice: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."


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