The Donald and Ronald Show. . .


How lucky can a brand new American Political Party get?  The Republicans Of Trump (ROT) will have their new organization ready and rarin' to go just in time for 2024!

There are curious rumors that a gruesome twosome might be headlining the ticket.  They would be none other than Donald Trump and Ronald DeSantis.  You remember these guys - liars of the highest order, voter suppressionists of an even higher order, and corrupt to the bone!  Like two peas in a pod.  Like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano. Like Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber.

If this sh**-show gets off the ground, I'll buy my wife a new car for her birthday.  Donnie and Ronnie are high-octane, juiced-up narcissistic egomaniacs who lack the acumen to change the lightbulb  in a desk lamp.  But they do know how to gin up their base of nitwits to get the job done.  They are to be feared simply because America has learned that today's Republican voters do not spend a lot of time and research on who to vote for.  Also, if their leader says, "go turn our Capitol into trash and overturn the election while you're at it," they'll damn well do it.  

The Grand Old Party was different. It was the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Senior.  But, it all went to hell after those guys. A gaggle of newbies from Harvard decided they had the smarts necessary to take the Party in a new direction.  They had big and scary ideas they hatched while drinking in their dorm rooms one night.  They decided it would be beneficial to someone if they let America's "democracy experiment" cool for awhile. Maybe back away from some of our "frivolous" civil rights laws and restrictions on who gets to vote would be a great idea, too.  And, if we don't like who wins an election, we could just fake fraudulent numbers, overturn the results, and pick whoever we want. That would be so much easier, and the decisions could be kept neat and tidy with the guy in the Oval Office!

Some are saying Trump and DeSantis are going to be unbeatable.  Or will it be DeSantis and Trump?  Whatever, it'll be an unbeatable "dream team". . . or will that be a "nightmare team?"

Why don't you decide.


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