"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft 
interred with their bones."  - William Shakespeare

After viewing the 2021 State Legislative Session, we can say with complete certainty that the bones of Montana Republicans of Gianforte will be one day interred, but they will be void of any good. The evil, however, will, indeed, live long, long, long after them!

The cantankerous Republicans passed at least five laws that will be challenged in Montana courts.  They knew they would be, and built a phony fight with the Montana Supreme Court to clear the way for their accusations of bias against their Republican Party.  It is a little conspiracy trick they learned from a guy named Trump.  The GOP has raised all kinds of hell through the media to prove a cockamamie conspiracy theory that Montana's high court is out to "get those Republicans."

Good luck with that.  But, they do get an "D" for dumbness.

The Attorney General, Republican Austin Knudsen, is accusing the Montana Supreme Court of "impropriety, threatening and maligning his staff" and chides them for "incorrect and inappropriate" behavior. 

The Gianforte gang is closing in on political corruption on a scale that equals the evil of the former President of the United States!  And this dangerous bunch is just getting started.

Two of the laws that were shoved down the throats of Montanans are: Concealed weapons allowed on Montana's college campuses that is being fought by the Board of Regents, and a harsh new limit on abortions that may be unconstitutional. Others will also wind their way through courts and undoubtedly end up in the highest court.

You can always tell a Republican - But you can't tell 'em much!


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