House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy IS PART OF THE PROBLEM!

 The Scene at the Capitol's "Tourist  Gathering"

"House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy opposed legislation today (May 18, 2021) that would create a bipartisan commission to study the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which some lawmakers have suggested could subpoena him as a witness.

The leaders of the Homeland Security Committee - Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss, and Rep. John Katko of New York, the top Republican on the panel - unveiled the legislation to create a 10-member commission that would issue a report by Dec. 31, 2021.

The House was expected to vote on the legislation tomorrow. The Senate must still consider it. the Biden administration supports the bill. 'The Nation deserves such a full and fair accounting to prevent violence and strengthen the security and resilience of our democratic institutions,' the White House said.

Several Republicans questioned the severity of the attack that left five dead and 140 police officers injured. Rioters temporarily halted the counting of Electoral College votes that confirmed President Joe Biden's victory against former President Donald Trump.

But McCarthy, of California, opposed the bill and accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, of dragging her feet in negotiations.  He said that numerous committees are reviewing the event and that the Architect of the Capitol, which oversees the building and grounds, was allocated $10 million to remedy security vulnerabilities.

'While the speaker has wasted time playing political games, numerous congressional and intergovernmental agency efforts have picked up the slack,' McCarthy said.

Pelosi accused Republicans of cowardice and said she was pleased to have bipartisan legislation to create a commission."
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY, May 18, 2021

It appears someone is frightened and panicking!  What ever is Kevin going to say to his Mar-a-Lago Wizard of Ahhhs on his next visit?

The deplorables who are currently calling the shots for the Republican Party of Trump in our U.S. House and Senate have waded into the swamp a little too far this time.  They are frantically trying to stop the commission of unelected officials from meeting. They will also have subpoena power, which scares them even more.

Can you imagine what is rattling around in the mind of that man in Mar-a-Lago?  It will be just one more nail in his "coffin."

This insurrection of our Capitol on Jan. 6 was meant. by the Republicans, to bring down our 2020 election and our democracy!  It was a deadly coup attempt that failed, but it served all Americans of what Republican politicos can do when they put their minds to it.

Next time they might succeed and turn us into a real "banana republic."



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