The Truth is no longer a debatable issue. . .

If you are as mad as I am, let me give you one more final thing to top off your day:

The Republican Party has turned our nation over to the ugliest nest of homegrown terrorists we have ever seen. Under the evil eye of America's most evil and treasonous former President we have ever had, we now have at least 70 million who claim to be Republican who are supporting  these terrorists. 

The worst part of this picture is the likelihood that we will never be able to get out from under their destruction!  

We have elected office holders in the U.S. House and Senate who are openly defying our democracy, our constitution, and human decency.  We know of people in every state of the union who are solidly behind these Cretans.  The right-wing voters will eagerly place into office the craziest of the crazies and support their every evil act. Why are these people still in office? 

This is no longer politics!  This is like an evil game the Republicans are playing.  And, it is crippling our democracy to a point that I cannot see how it will be able to return to normalcy.  It is as if the Republican members of congress have gone berserk and are are not looking back. Their allegiance is to one man and he has no allegiance to anyone accept himself. That makes for a frightening conclusion.  The Grand Old Party is now the Party of Trump and it is on a collision course with a questionable destiny.  

They are not really fighting with the Democrats any longer.  Their fight is with anyone who opposes their goals of total control of our government!

America has never been faced with this before.  It is an actual, bonafide attempt by the Republican Party of Trump, with the help of homegrown terrorists, to wrestle control of all three branches of our government by whatever means possible.  If they lose an election, they will simply find a way to nullify the voters' results and name their own winners.  This may seem ridiculous to you, but it is happening now in Arizona and they have more states in their sights.  It is being reported that Georgia will be next, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania on their list. The real threat, however, is they have found a way to manipulate their base to believe anything they tell them!

It is the "Big Lie" that Trump has convinced 70 million voters is really the "truth." Conspiracy Theorists and outright liars are calling the shots today in America. Truth is no longer debatable. The truth-teller will be shouted down and run out of town every time. 

I wish this were a political ploy, but it isn't. America has let it go too far.  The "Big Lie" has taken roots.

I'm tired of writing about it, talking about it, and thinking about it.  I know many of you are, too.

Younger minds and bodies need to take up the fight.  After all, it's their future!



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