Color Arizona Crazy!

Arizona Republican's Cyber Ninja Ballot Auditor

We can now say we have seen everything, America!

Almost no one involved in elections or politics in Florida, where the Cyber Ninja company is headquartered, seems to have heard of it or knows anything about it.  For your average voter in Arizona, however, just knowing the company is from Florida should tell you enough to never let them enter your state.  Unless, of course, you are a Trump Republican who enjoys this kind of disturbing entertainment.

The founder, Doug Logan, who registered his firm in Sarasota, Florida in 2014, is even less known.  Christian Ziegler, vice chair of the Republican Party of Florida said, "Cyber Ninjas? No. Never heard of them!"  Ziegler was echoing a dozen top Florida Republicans and election professionals who were interviewed.

Cyber Ninja has never conducted an audit of any kind - much less an important election count in a battleground state like Arizona.  It calls into question Arizona GOP's claim that the company is right for the controversial job of auditing 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County, which includes the Phoenix metro area. 

Wack-a-doodle nonsense like looking for rice in or on the tens of thousands of paper ballots that someone said came from a "southeastern country" (China?), and using phony light sources as they look for "discrepancies" in ballots seems to be their style of "auditing."  

The entire shindig is outrageous, deceitful, and downright embarrassing to American politics.  No press is allowed inside, but some photos have been smuggled out.  Outsiders who tried to enter were met with bizarre questions and accusations.  

The Arizona Secretary of State announced late yesterday that all election machines from around the county will need to be tossed and replaced.  The machines the Cyber Ninja people are using can no longer be trusted for use in another election! 

Many in the Arizona GOP are opposed to the looney-tune goings-on by these warped ninjas, but the circus is still alive and up to no good.  As a matter of fact, Republicans in other states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. are eager to replicate the bizarre sideshow.

America, how long are we going to placate these whining, spoiled bullies who are the poorest losers ever?

Let's get to the heart of this folly.  Donald Trump is promoting this evil endeavor because it is bringing in millions of dollars to his war chest. He has been behind this ludicrous "audit" from the beginning - and he's not about to give up! 

Somehow, we have to get him out of our politics!



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