Thursday, May 13, 2021

"We're all quite mad here. You'll fit right in."

When Alice followed that rabbit down the rabbit hole, she was not expecting the kind of welcoming she received. At the Mad Hatter's party, she realized she was in a bad place.

Today, a new member of the U.S. House of Representatives would probably get the same welcoming. It must be a nightmare for someone to view in horror the venom of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, or Matt Gaetz. They, and others, can be overwhelming in their terrorist-type approach to politics.

The Mad Hatter quipped to Alice, "We're all quite made here. You'll fit right in." His implication was simple: "We hope you are as mad as we are, because that will make all of us normal."

When Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks, he always all of us to think he is speaking for ALL Republicans in the House.  While that is far from the truth, in his head he believes he is speaking from a "united Party." If a Republican in the House opposes that thinking and speaks out against it, they will feel his - and his radical cohort's - wrath  - such as Rep. Liz Cheney did.  

It's a maddening way to govern, but we are all  finding ourselves viewing a very strange  "Mad Hatter's" House Party, too. We've been pulled into the mess - whether we've wanted to or not!  The orders of the day are for certain members to search out the media and see how many lies they can tell before they are cut off.

However, smart money is on the Grand Old Party of Trump to  come crashing down - soon!  It can't possibly hold together through another election cycle. Many have even spoken openly about a "civil war" within the Party before its demise.  With the strange words and evil deeds flying around between those who want to return to normalcy and those who are hell-bent on a white supremacists-type take-over, anything is possible.

Rep. Liz Cheney, who was bounced from her leadership role yesterday, is openly defying the former president and the defeat of anyone who insists on kneeling at his feet. Conversely, the former president has promised to offer up a loyalists of his own to oppose her in the next Wyoming Primary.

I know it sounds crazy, but while I believe America still has two major political parties, part of one is not like the other part, and the other one is not at all like either one of the one with two parts.

I told you, it's like reading Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and the part about the tea party of the "Mad Hatter."

"Eat me," and you can shrink small enough to get through the door.  "Drink me," and you can grow tall enough to reach the door knob.

"Empty out your brain," and you will then be just like us!

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