The Treasonous "Big Two"

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) are perched atop the Republican hierarchy in the U.S. House. The third position is held - for the moment - by Liz Cheney (R-WY) as head of the Conference Committee. 

Cheney had voted to impeach the former president and is presently refusing to accept his "Big Lie" that the 2020 election was stolen and the Party's involvement in the Jan. 6th Insurrection on our Capitol. This has created an opportunity for McCarthy and Scalise to finally get another "believer" to join the "Big Three."

It is unbelievable to any normal thinking American that you can be elevated in job position if you accept an earthquake-jolting lie, and you can be bounced out of office if you prefer the truth!  The "Big Lie" is tantamount to waging a war against our democracy.

McCarthy makes his regular junkets to Mar-a-Largo to visit the "great one" and get his marching orders.  It is as if he is Dorothy visiting the "Great OZ behind the curtain" and accepting all that is said as gospel. However, it would serve McCarthy well if he -  and others who are in fear of the "great one" -  would pull back the curtain and find that the real truth will not be found from this bumpkin!

Regardless, McCarthy and Scalise have found the perfect stooge to round out their "big three":  Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY).  She is a Harvard graduate (2006) and Albany Academy for Girls (2002).  She is a BFF of Donald J. Trump and will follow him "over the cliff" with excitement!  She is actively campaigning for Cheney's office, even before the vote is taken. McCarthy may have told her to wait until the "body is cold" first, but if he did, she's not waiting!

This entire mess is one for the history books. When an elected representative can be booted out of her office because she came down on the side of truth and will be replaced by those who come down on the side of lies, says much about who - and what - is running the Republican Party.

Republican Voters:  Are you accepting all of this?


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