Dysfunctional, Delusional, and Disingenuous. . .


A FOX"news" anchor admitted on air on Monday that his show was inaccurate when it claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden is trying to require Americans to sharply reduce their consumption of red meat.

They made the concession after CNN and other media outlets published fact check articles explaining that Biden does not have any plan to restrict red meat consumptions. They acknowledged that "a graphic and the script" from the Friday show "incorrectly implied" that a 2020 academic study about meat-eating and greenhouse gas emissions is "part of Biden's plan for dealing with climate change."

"That is not the case," the FOX anchor said. They had falsely claimed that the study - which is not connected in any way to Biden's actual policies - found that people need to "say goodbye to your burgers."

This is but one more case of FOX and the Republican Party spreading lies to denigrate the president.  The FOX report has bounced throughout the warped minds of countless GOP members of Congress as they fall prey yet again to another lie from the FOX Bulls**t Factory!

Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy, always ready to spread a lie, has made a big deal of the "burger ban" by Biden.  "We will be allowed to have only one hamburger a year," said the "House Liar."

It's but one more lie we must tolerate from the dysfunctional, delusional, and disingenuous Republicans!

Hopefully, one day soon we will hear the last one.

And then the whole damn bunch of them can disappear!



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