I Am Mad As Hell. . .

Every person needs to express their thoughts about the nation and world. They need to let their mind open up and spill out onto listening ears and curious eyes about what is bothering them. It is a human characteristic that needs to be released.  It is a cleansing of the mind and soul.  And, if that isn't enough, it just feels so darn good, too!

As I stroll past eighty-three years of life, I think about how I've probably seen about everything worth seeing.  But then, a little over four year ago, something unbelievable happened. America elected the most uncaring, uneducated, uncivilized, and "poster boy of the great unwanted" human being who ever stepped foot into the Oval Office. Those are probably his better points.

He was and is corrupt, criminal, immoral, deceptive, a pathological liar, narcissistic, and sadistic. And he was President of the United States of  America for four long years - and now he refuses to accept defeat at the ballot boxes.

This can't be happening in my country. The spawns of Trump's evil narratives are plentiful in the U.S. House and Senate. They are seditious and treasonous and patriotic minds in America want to know why they are allowed to stay in office. They are no longer working for our country - they are working for their new political party! And, they are pursuing an agenda that would destroy our government, our  constitution and our democracy. 

We have many congressional members in the Republican Party who have rewritten their job descriptions to direct them to aggressively become subversive and obstructive. In short, we are allowing the "tail to wag the dog."  They see but one role for themselves and that is to be a traitor to the American cause and prosecute a coup on our system of government. The idea of working for the people has left them.

This is "banana republic" thinking. If it was hatched among ordinary citizens, it would have been tamped down at its inception.  But the fact that this maniacal event that happened on Jan. 6, 2021 was incited by the president and echoed by his congressional cohorts raises the threat against our democracy to an unbelievably high level.  

We have to understand that our country is under attack by the former president who thinks he still holds office,  
and members of his party who still do hold office!

The alarming part of this is that our Department of Justice did nothing in the previous administration to charge these congressional people, and the current Attorney General has also done nothing that we're aware of.  

These traitors have no business carrying out their subversive acts while claiming to be working for the American people. This is reprehensible!  

The guilty are standing in plain sight and speaking of their treasonous acts for the who nation and the world to see and hear.  It is not as if there is insufficient evidence.  Anyone with a sound mind could prosecute their cases to successful conclusions, and sentences could be removal from office, jail time, and deportation.  

But we cannot allow the evil to continue.  These people intend to bring down our government and we seem to be letting it happen! In order to convince the millions of Republicans around the country who still say they believe that the 2020 election was stolen, we need to force the former president and the current Republican office holders to admit to them that it was not!

We need to know where the Justice Department is on their investigations of those who were involved in the Jan. 6th Insurrection of our Capitol and the Republican Members of Congress who were complicit in the vicious act! 

There is a place below to leave a comment on my blog.  I hope you would give me your thoughts on this matter.  Or, if you prefer, you can leave a comment on this Facebook post.





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