REPUBLICANS: "Stop the Steal" of our democracy!

 The Republican Party of Trump can fairly be labeled as Domestic Terrorists

A rebellion is an act of violent or open resistance to an established government. In order to understand the motives for today's Republican rebellion, we need to look at the people involved.

Republicans are expected to believe the "Big Lie," pretend they do, or at bare minimum, not let it be known that they don't. State Republican leaders from Georgia to Arizona have been flamed by Trump or his close followers for standing against the lies. Only a select few in Washington are defying him, for they, too, know that doing so comes with a cost.

Everyone caught up in Trump's relentless election claims agrees a "Big Lie" is at the heart of the matter. President Biden says so. Rep. Liv Cheney said so. Dominion Voting Systems alleges in a massive lawsuit that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani "manufactured and disseminated the "Big Lie."

Former Republican Rep. Denver Riggleman, said "This message is working." He pointed to strong local fund-raising and poll numbers to Trump loyalists.

Riggleman said, "If you've got to say things you don't believe in, as long as that leads to a win, that's what's most important."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green said, "I only believe some of what QAnon says about Democrats being satanic worshipers." She has promoted the baseless "Big Lie," and is under intense scrutiny from her own party following her promotion of conspiracy theories and inflammatory comments supporting violence against other lawmakers.

At least 67 House Democrats have signed on to a forthcoming resolution that calls for the expulsion of Rep. Taylor-Greene. She has been removed from all of her committee assignments. However, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he has met with her and finds no reason to punish her further.

The list of rebellious Republicans still serving in the U.S. House and Senate who voted to overturn the Electoral College results, claim to be believers of the "Big Lie," and played some part in inciting the insurrection of our Capitol is appalling in length and deeds. 

This is today's Republican Party!  This is the hate-filled denizens who still serve as our lawmakers.  And make no mistake about it: These are the treasonous right-wing rebels who are out to destroy our democracy. And, apparently, they will go to any lengths to do it!


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