Dr. Gianforte and Judge Gianforte, a man for all conservatives!

Notice the hair.  Does it look at all familiar to you? Notice the insincere grin. Does it look real to you? 

This is Montana's brand spankin' new Governor, Greg Gianforte. He is a proud protégé of none other than Donald J. Trump. His bullying tactics take us back to how Trump tied this nation in knots for his entire four-year term in office.  Montana is now going through the same gut-wrenching power grab!

Gianforte's lust for total Republican power over the executive and legislative branches of the state ran the gauntlet during the session that just closed shop. It was a totally arrogant and obnoxious list of bills that ripped the heart out of the middle and lower classes of Montanans.

He has now aimed his weapons at the judicial branch of the state. He began by demanding his Republican Legislators pass an outrageous  bill that will give him the power to eliminate a more than fifty-year old Nomination Commission who gave choices for vacancies in judges around the state - including the Montana Supreme Court. Instead, Gianforte can now pull up names from his own little black book of conservative characters.  It will be much the way a dictator would do things!

The Montana Supreme Court and most judges around the state objected - mightily!  That, of course, brought Gianforte to full battle rage and he is now putting the court on notice that he "knows all about their bias against conservatives" and he intends to do something about it - like end up with only conservative justices!  No bias intended, of course.

Greg, the political neophyte, is either unaware to the separation of our branches of government, or he actually wants to put the legislative and judicial under control of the executive.  Either way, he is acting like a body-slamming version of another bully who wanted to be an authoritarian ruler, too.  His name is Donald J. Trump and he was voted out of office for his tyrannical tactics.

Over the coming weeks, we will revisit the absurd laws that Gianforte and his herd of stampeding elephants have foisted upon Montana. Some are what you might call "biased" against everyone and everything - except conservatives. 

They will curdle your milk and sour your stomach!



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