What we have here is a propensity for someone to fabricate!

So sayeth the wackos of the once illustrious Grand Old Party. They have a firm choke hold on the regulars in the party and won't let go until the whole damn party is dead, dead, dead!

The vile lies all began one cloudy winter's day, January 20, 2017, and gained momentum each and every day since. At first, the media and others chuckled at the newly inaugurated president's lies about the size of his crowd when he was sworn into office.  But as the days went on, the lies became bigger - and more insane. By the time Jan. 6, 2021 rolled around, the lies became gigantic - and deadly. The insurrection on our Capitol on Jan. 6th caused deaths, injuries, damage, and theft. And a large dent in our democracy!

All because the former president wanted another four years in office and began the "Big Lie" that the election was stolen from him.  No truth can be found, but the lie is carried by treasonous GOP members of congress until it is ingrained in the minds of 70% of Republicans across the country! 

Today, these crazies of the Republican Party of Trump is demanding that its elected "officials" either accept the "Big Lie" as truth, or get drummed out of their offices! No other options.

This entire movement is insane!  When did anyone ever insist on a bag full of lies to move our democracy forward?  When did a political party dictate to its members that they must wrap themselves in lies -  or leave?

Donald J. Trump may be out of office, but he is not out of the minds of the Grand Old Party of Trump.  They are scared to death of him, while at the same time, love the fact that he can still raise great gobs of money and voters for them!  

And what are they going to do about all of the lies?

Silence.  They don't want to talk about that.  And they especially don't want us to talk about it, either.  Just go on about your business, America -  nothing to see here!



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