How The Congressional GOP Is Annihilating Our Democracy

Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said, "The attack on our Capitol was provoked by the president."  He also was quoted as saying, "Trump was practically and morally responsible for the Capitol attack."

Today, however, he is rethinking his story and is opposing the commission's investigation of the entire matter.

Minority Leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy, had an "expletive-laced phone call with the then-President Donald Trump while the Capitol was under attack. He was begging Trump to tell the rioters to stop the attack and go home.

The response from Trump was, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.

Those who could see Trump during the attack said he was in a "joyous mood"..."like he was happy and excited."

Today, these three pillars of leadership have decided they want nothing to do with the newly-formed commission to investigate the insurrection on our Capitol.  They have found that the commission will have subpoena powers to call anyone in to testify.  Of course, the quotes (as shown above) will make them all look guilty as sin. Ah, and there be the rub!

In order for the commission to begin it's work, both houses must vote to give it the green light. It is unfathomable that the GOP leadership and many of their members in the U.S. House and Senate could stop this commission from doing their job.

Instructions from McCarthy and McConnell have already gone out to their members saying how damaging to the Party it will be if the investigation comes to fruition.

America, we are watching the total annihilation 
of our rule of law and system of justice
by the Grand Old Republican Party of Trump!


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