Soon Will Come the Revolution. . .

CAPITALISM economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Capitalism is bad.  It ignores people's needs, results in wealth inequality, and does not promote equal opportunity. Capitalism also encourages mass consumption, is unsustainable, and provides an incentive for business owners to harm the environment for monetary gain.  It is also very unstable.

Capitalism begets greed and greed begets power.  Power, in turn, will beget more greed. That causes an unstable and dangerous inequality in the nation.  A mere 1% of the population holds the wealth equal to the entire bottom half of the total population. It will erode more than 75% of the country's confidence level in their government. Eventually, even the 1% will grow weary of the government and, through their political power, will begin to change laws to assist them in their thirst for more greed and greater power.

This, of course, is where the Republican Party enters the problem.

Americans, today, are asking why the GOP is so divided and unyielding in their belligerence and arrogance. They have thrown our democracy under the bus and are devising a make a new system of justice that will better fit their drive for money and power.

As traditional members of their political party begin to rebel against the new rules and outlandish lies, those of the far-right and ultra-zealots movement begin to put forward a battle that has absolutely no rules.  It becomes a "survival of the loyalists!"

All because of the one thing - capitalism - that our founding fathers were keenly aware of but were certainly against seeing it to this conclusion.  They could not have imagined the greed and  power today's seething capitalists would thirst for!

Today's capitalist have conveniently ignored the most important thing that began this "great experiment, democracy." We were founded on  "We the People" and nearly all Americans will fight to the death for that concept.  

Republicans are at a dangerous place in our political crisis.  They have turned their party over to the wrong people.  These scoundrels have only their selfish interest to feed - and no one else.  Worst of all, the Republican voters of America feel they will reach some "glory land" by supporting them, but they will be as sorely mistaken as the people of Germany were in 1945. 

And, perhaps, all that the rest of us can do is sit and wait.



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