Monday, August 31, 2020

The Good Guys Are Supposed To Win, Aren't They?

I'm old enough to remember the good ol' days when the good guys always won and the bad guys were either sent to boot hill or to jail. Always.  You could even see it coming before the movie was half over.  The good guys just couldn't lose.

The plot was usually the same.  The bad guys came to town, scouted out the town sheriff's handiness with a six-shooter, checked the town's watering hole, and found out who might help the sheriff when the shootin' started.  Then, on to the bank to see how easy it might be to knock over.

Nearly four years ago, that's how the Trump Thugs rode into Washington D.C.  The bad guys...just looking for a nice little town to take over.  They heard there was some easy pickin's and a place to lie low for about four years.  Maybe even eight, if they could stretch their corrupt ways and the town folks were slow to catch on.

First, they needed to get the right boys into the right spots.  That would make the pickin's real easy.  Strategic spots would be the Justice Department, the Treasury Department, the State Department, and the Courts.

In the old west, the town folk came to their senses earlier than they do today.  Back then, they woke up, smelled the coffee,  and strung along with the good guys.  (They could even tell the difference between the two!) Today, if they like the swagger of the bad guys, they join up and throw in with them.

Nope, the bad guys never used to win.  Bad was bad and good was good.  Big Nose George and Jesse James were bad and Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were good.  I never did understand Cliff  Eastwood, though.  He was good in the movies but I sure questioned him when he walked on stage one night and talked to an empty chair about why we should vote against Obama.  

But I digress.  

Not only are the bad guys winning today, but I'm afraid they might even win when this movie is over.  They have our western way of life in shambles and headin' for the last roundup.  And it's really all our fault, too, partner.  Too many of us threw in with the wrong side!

We are forgetting the code of the west:  Always throw in with the good guys.

When it's time to ride off into the sunset, we're gonna' be walking, instead, and carrying our saddle because the bad guys even stole our horsey.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Montana's Office of Dysfunctional Public Instruction

Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney
Candidate for Governor
Teacher Melissa Romano
Candidate for OPI Chief
Greg Gianforte
(Candidate for Governor)
Elsie Arntzen
(Candidate for Re-Election, OPI)
(Candidate for Montana Governor)

(Candidate for Montana OPI Chief)
Montana is aware of Elsie Arntzen, the current OPI chief, overtly showing her bias for charter and private schools over our highly successful public school system.  She mimics the feelings of her counterpart, Betsy DeVos, chief of the National Education Department.

Greg Gianforte, candidate for governor, has also shown his preference for charter and private schools over public schools.  His views were brewed in the same petri dish that hatched his wild belief that our earth is only six-thousand years old.  

Montanans, in this age of covid-19, bad economy, racial turmoil, and political carnage, the last thing we need are two misfits to guide our state through educational rough waters because of school shutdowns and virtual teaching.  We need a Governor like Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney to apply his cool head and eight years of experience under Gov. Steve Bullock's very successful two terms, and the common-sense experience of a teacher to run our Office of Public Instruction.  This is a no-brainer for Montana Voters!

We must remove Arntzen from the post of head of our public schools that she failed to show her disdain for during her previous campaigning.  She hid her preferences for private schools to the voters in her previous campaigning,  but we are fully aware of her deception now.

We must not allow Gianforte to reach the Governor's Office, either.  He is not a true Montanan and he has proven during his two years as U. S. House Representative from Montana that he is not for Montanans.  Gianforte is a very rich man who has dumped more than $2 million into his campaign to buy the key to the front door of the governor's mansion.  We can't let him in!

Make sure you vote, Montanans...and make sure your votes count, too!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

They Are Not Us, America!

If you are still looking for answers to America's wretched existence today, take a closer look at this photograph.  Roughly seventy percent of us are madder than hell at what we see.  We are letting these old, rich, white guys run our country into the ground.

In no way do they represent the America we know.  

They represent a small, selfish slice of our world.  They think they were born on third base and some mega-rich donor hit a sacrifice fly ball to send them to home plate.  

They are the self-proclaimed rulers of our land.  They are the support team that has kept the inept, immoral, unconscionably corrupt President of the United States in office. They look nothing like the people of America.  They are predominantly male, white, old, and rich.  They lack empathy for anyone who does not look, act, or think like them.  Even though they got to this status by promising more than they would ever deliver to clueless voters, they ultimately knew that once elected they would work only for themselves.  They are without souls.

Yesterday, the president's plane touched down for another of his "rallies."  There were thousands of people on hand to greet him.  The public address system, asking people to put their masks on, was drowned out by loud and sustained "boos!"  Such is the mentality that sprang from the urging of their president and themselves.  To them, covid-19 is a hoax!
This is the America they understand.  This is the America they demand.  

This is the Republican-controlled United States Senate of which they are so proud.

They are not us, America.


Friday, August 28, 2020


Someone said things might get worse.  They said they have never seen America so deep in trouble.  They said we are witnessing a president running amok with our integrity, our rule of laws, our honesty, and our sanity.  And someone is right.

In a long and rambling "dark" address to hundreds of his "Party Faithfuls" last night outside the White House, the president proved once again that he cannot see the damage he has caused America because of all of the smoke, fire, and the ground littered with dead bodies...all due to his own ineptness. To guide his nation through the Covid-19 crisis is so far from his mind that his mental state can only handle the constant drum beat of winning a second term. Incredibly, with all of this unholy carnage,  he believes his opponent, should he win, will ruin our nation by turning it into a socialist state. You know, a state that attempts to look out for the health and happiness of ALL people...not just the affluent. 
Sanity is out the window and heading for greener pastures. In the middle of a pandemic, we find ourselves facing this tragedy with no guidance or aid from our our government. We receive misinformation and outright lies, instead. People are sick and dying, yet our president is trying to hide medical facts from us because they will make it look bad for his chance at re-election. 


We are, indeed, in dark, dark times...and we are still sinking.  It didn't have to be this way.  It was the responsibility of his political party in the U.S. Senate to handle this the way our Constitution outlined, but they failed miserably and left us holding the bag of carnage.  Get rid of them all! 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

FOX "news" is off their meds...

Cartoon by John watson

Before there was Trump and FOX,
there was truth.
Since there has been Trump and FOX, 
there has been lies.

Last year, the President called his friend, Attorney Barr, and complained about FOX Judge Andrew Napolitano who was saying very uncomplimentary things about him.  He asked Barr to call the big guy at FOX "news," Rupert Murdoch, and get Napolitano to learn to take a hint or learn how to swim with the fishes with his feet in cement shoes.  (I'm sure it wasn't that threatening, but you get the idea.)  Surprisingly, Napolitano's air time has been greatly reduced since the call from Barr.

It is regularly reported that Sean Hannity, chief FOX purveyor of lies, has a direct phone line to the President of the United States.  It is further reported that they speak often - sometimes more than once a day.  Other major news networks have kept a running narrative about how the President picks up his false information from the FOX talking heads.  The talking heads know their stuff is false and it is said that the President usually knows it is untruthful, as well.  But, what are a few lies among friends?

FOX is under constant scrutiny from major news outlet fact-checkers for their seemingly uncaring broadcasting of outright lies. Their talking heads have mastered that facial blank stare look as they lie to America 'til the cows come home.  It has become a daily drip, drip, drip of lies until most of their viewers are reeled in, hook, line, and sinker.

However, there are some reports leaking from the peons at FOX that not everybody is happy with the situation.  Some are outright hostile about their loyalty to a network built on lies, and some are even saying there are rumblings of "purgatorial purification in paradise" if something isn't done.  Top FOX officials are concerned that when/if Trump loses the November Election, he may go off and start his own right-wing television network.  

Wouldn't it be lovely to have Trump on a TV Reality Show again?  America would then have two Network liars fighting for ratings.


Begins with "T" and that rhymes with "C" and that stands for "C"orruption

It is indeed factual that if we ignore history we will be doomed to repeat it.  Case in point is a New York City notable named William Magear Tweed.  He was born April 3, 1823 and died April 12, 1878.  He was widely known as "Boss" Tweed - an American politician most notable for being the "boss" of Tammany Haal, the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th century New York City and State.  At the height of his influence, Tweed was the third-largest landowner in New York City, a director of the Erie Railroad, a director of the Tenth National Bank, a director of the New York Printing Company, proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel, a significant stockholder in iron mines and gas companies, a board member of the Harlem Gas Light Company, a board member of the Third Avenue Railway Company, a board member of the Brooklyn Bridge Company, and the president of the Guardian Savings Bank.

Tweed was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1852 and the New York County Board of Supervisors in 1867, but Tweed's greatest influence came from being an appointed member of a number of boards and commissions, his control over political patronage in New York City through Tammany, and his ability to ensure the loyalty of voters through jobs he could create and dispense on city-related projects.

Tweed was convicted for stealing an amount estimated by aldermen's committee in 1877 at between $25 million and $45 million from New York City taxpayers through political corruption, although later estimates ranged as high as $200 million.  Unable to make bail, he escaped from jail once, but was returned to custody. He died in the Ludlow Street Jail.

He ruled with absolute corruption.  He was said to have controlled the ballot boxes, and boasted "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"
It was considered poetic justice that he died in a New York jail.

America is no stranger to corrupt politicians.  Tweed was one of the worst, but the way our politics are playing out today, we are well on our way to exposing someone even worse.  Fortunately, Tweed didn't make it to the Oval Office where could have done so much more damage.

Has New York City saved their most corrupt for us now?

Pray tell, who could I possibly be thinking about?  

We could feign stupidity, but I doubt that will excuse our inability, or flat-out refusal,  to learn from our past.  

Their both last names begin with a "T," 
and that rhymes with a "C," 
and that stands for "CORRUPTION!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The All-New Undemocratic Trump Family and Friends National Committee

We listen in as the Executive Conclave of the new National Trump Family and Friends Committee (Formerly the Republican National Committee) meets over dinner in the formal dining room of the White House.  There is much frivolity and high spirits around the table as they reminisce about their 3 1/2 years of rule and the first two days of their newly-formed National Party Convention.  

The Former RNC has dispensed with a political platform for the first time in Republican history.  They have simply stated that "whatever Donald wants, Donald gets" and that will suffice for the all-new and greatly unimproved  NTFFC platform.

The president has reminded Don Jr. to check on the TLM (Trump Lying Machine) for a thorough greasing.  It has been more than 3 1/2 years since it was plugged in and probably needs maintenance. Everyone laughed at how that gadget has been chugging away  nonstop since it was first plugged in on inauguration day 2017 with nary a day of rest since.    

The needed attention to the TLM caused everyone to pause and recall some of their favorite lies.  Don Jr. proudly shared that there have been more than twenty thousand just from the his dad alone.  But he would not be outdone by his father in the next four years, and his Monday Night speech at the Convention was an excellent start.

Others at the table joined in to recite, chapter and verse, their best remembered cock-and-bull stories by family members that were all laid at the feet of gullible Americans.  There were howls of laughter as the air was filled with tales of how easy it had been to lie to the people with impunity.  They shared their disbelief that it was so easy.  Why tell the truth and have to debate what you're after when you can get what you want with a lie?

The president stated that he was proud that had taken the nation to a new level of untruthfulness and that his followers were behind him all of the way.  He proclaimed their family had founded a new national order of rule:  "Lie 'til you die!  The people could care less!"

This is what the First Family is raising their drinks and toasting to tonight.  This is how they live.  This is why they are known in most circles as America's all-new "Trump Party." 

And it is all being celebrated tonight, and most nights, in
"The People's House."

And that makes my blood run cold.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Candidate for U.S. House
(D) Montana

Rep. Mark Noland (R-Big Fork)  is one deceitfully clever wordsmith.  His "guest view" column in today's Helena Independent Record refers to Kathleen Williams (D), Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, as "Extreme Kathleen."  Isn't that clever?

Well, it would be if he knew what he was talking about.  The reasons he opposes Williams, however, are as fake as his Republican Party.  Name calling has earned most of them "merit badges of dishonor." and it has been a calling card of their Party since Donald J. Trump taught them how to lie, cheat, and divide our country.

Noland's ridiculous rants about Williams are based on frivolous charges.  He tries to tell us that she grew up in the San Francisco area and graduated from Berkeley's "uber-liberal University of California."   While the college is seen as liberal, I seriously doubt every student is an "uber-liberal."  And, I'm sure that Noland doesn't know that, either.  It's a catch phrase for all Republicans to use - with extreme prejudice!  He faults her for opposing tax cuts that were introduced by Republicans.  Of course she was!  The tax cuts were for the rich. 

Williams' opponent, State Auditor Matt Rosendale (R) is an A-Rated member of  the "Extreme Trump Team."  He believes the current President's "wrecking ball" style of government is just fine.  No "uber-conservative" actions going on there!

Rep. Kathleen Williams has served three two-year terms in the Montana House of Representatives before retiring.  She has served Montana well by seeking common ground on both sides of the aisle and from an independent position, as well.  She may have come from California, but she is a Montanan at heart, and she is ready and able to serve all of the people.  

Strangely, Noland didn't mention that Rosendale is not a Montana native, either, but rather from the east coast where many extreme troublemakers live. Guess he just forgot that.  But then, like Rosendale, when it comes to serving the people of Montana,  both have forgotten a lot.  Montana, like the nation, is fed up to their eyebrows with Republican antics and ideas.  Their name calling and extreme lies are getting to all of us.

One final thought:  Kathleen Williams is extremely able to serve our state well as the lone representative in the United States House of Representatives.  

Matt Rosendale came to Montana for one reason:  To take a less-traveled path to the U.S. House because of our much less than one million voters to appease - unlike his home state of Maryland.  The fact that Montana has been a Red State for years didn't hurt much either.  

But, a big mistake...he didn't count on today's Republican Party following Donald J. Trump over the cliff!

(and extremely proud of it)

Monday, August 24, 2020

Either he wins or Biden loses...

Opinion By

There is one thing we all need to think about this election.  It is a statement the president made to the nation a few days ago:

"If I lose this election, it will be because it was rigged."  Now, if we really give this some thought, we would realize what a very dangerous thing it is that he just said.  In the most recent national poll, the president is behind by ten points.  He is also behind in the all of states he must win, which are the states that will determine the winner of the Electoral College votes.  If he loses the Electoral College votes and the Popular Votes, he will say the election was rigged and he will refuse to leave office.  If he wins, he will be as happy as a little clam.

So, as I see it, he can't lose.

He wins by getting the most votes or he wins because it was rigged and he is not going to leave.

What am I missing here?

...I mean, other than a lot of sleep!

A President who weaponizes Conspiracy Theorists

If QAnon's claims were true, they would shake the very foundation of global government and explain the confusion of politics in recent years.  As it is, they are not true, but their importance could nonetheless be hugely significant.  The are insidiously dark and very dangerous to us all.

QAnon is, well, anonymous.  Nobody knows who most them are, or to what ends they are uttering the ridiculous conspiracies they say.  On the surface, it would appear they are simply a right-wing group propped up by right-wing conservatives in the Republican Party who believe there is a "deep state" group which is out to bring an end to the present administration.  There is, however, no evidence of such a group.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican winner in the Primary from the 14th District of Georgia for the U.S. House of Representatives, ran as a strong QAnon supporter.  She openly uttered her beliefs of ridiculous conspiracies by the group. However, after she won, she seems to be walking away from those beliefs.  It is obvious she used them to gain her win.  Now, her would-be fellow Republicans in the U.S. House are shaking in their boots at the thought she may become one of them.

Conspiracies are killing our democracy.  The stranger they are, the more supporters they seem to gain.  But, while today's lies are the wildest ever heard in America, they are not unique.  They are, however, greatly amplified when the current president not only agrees with them, but weaponizes them by showing his support.  This is lunacy!

In 1947, U. S. Senator Joe McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) held endless investigations because he had a theory that our government was knee-deep in communist members.  He claimed 250+ were employed in our State Department.  He was unable to prove any of it, but it smeared the lives of many good Americans on McCarthy's false conspiracy theories.  He was eventually censured by his own Republican-controlled U.S. Senate in 1950.  (Today's GOP-controlled Senate seems to lack such a backbone.)

Conspiracy theories dwell in the minds 
of people who trust no one.  
And therein lies the root problem.

An Opinion by John Watson


Sunday, August 23, 2020

They All Know...

Some things about him that are just obvious to everyone.  There are no questions left to be answered about him.   We all know who he is and what he is.  If we will admit to ourselves that the things reported about him are factual, then we can say we know him. Why is it, therefore, so hard for some to say they can't accept the fact that he is destroying our democracy?  It is so easy to say.

We know evil when we see it in other countries, so why is it so hard to recognize evil in our own?  Does it matter whether our democracy is destroyed from an adversary or our own supposed leader?  Aren't we still just as lost? 

Do writers and fact-checkers have to continually report  the crimes committed by this man and have them regurgitated every hour, every day of the week, for eternity? The answer, of course, is "No."

There is a great Country Western song by Barbara Mandrell that has the line, "If loving him is wrong, then I don't want to be right."  That should be the theme song for his supporters.  They know supporting him is wrong, and, apparently, they just stubbornly don't want to be right.  Why? Because they have been weaponized by him.  He has given them a purpose.  They can march in those Nazi-like uniforms they have been hiding in their closets.  They can drag out those weapons they have been dying to show the world.  They can unfurl those long forgotten flags of our enemies and fly them with pride.  Why? Because they have been told by him that they don't have to sneak around in the dark anymore.  Today, they are somebody to be reckoned with and they crave attention!

It's that easy.  They all know him.  They may even know him better than we do, because he is more like them than like us. They had been waiting a long time for him to finally come.  They gave him what he needed to survive for a time, and he gave them what they needed to shine for a time, too.

And when he leaves, they will simply look for another one to tell them what they want to do it's okay.  

Maybe by then we will have found a better way to handle the carnage.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Montana is at a real crossroads in this election.  We have watched what the Republicans have systematically done in Washington D.C. to our rules of law under the Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell fiasco. They didn't act alone, however. There was oodles of help from such loyal and equally corrupt soldiers as Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Rep. Gianforte (R-MT).  And, they aren't through dealing from the bottom of the deck yet.  

Gianforte and Daines have teamed up to finish off the corrupt practices they started by looking for more misery to heap on Montana.  Greed begets money, money begets power, power begets more money, and more money begets more power and greed.

Gianforte wants to be our Governor so badly he's willing to put over $2 million of his own money into the fight to get it.  

If you were in search of a new job, would you offer a prospective employer millions of dollars to let you go to work for them?

So maybe you have other ways to get compensated.  Corrupt ways, for example?  Selling off Montana's public lands to your rich friends, for example?  That would bring you quick cash in a hurry, wouldn't it?  Another scheme he has up his sleeves is re-routing taxpayer's public school funds to private and charter schools.  This is an idea that has been brewing in his mind for some time with  his friend, OPI Chief, Elsie Arntzen.  Other corrupt ideas?  Well, after all, he is a Republican.

Daines has had six long years to acquire the corrupt ideas of his idol, Donald Trump.  He has had the opportunity to cozy up next to millions of dollars through that relationship.  Now, he thinks Montana Voters should remember who he is and send him back to D.C. for another six years of easy picking from the low hanging branches of the corruption trees. 

Say "NO" to both of these guys.

Montana's Gov. Steve Bullock has done himself proud the past eight years by taking care of our state in an unprecedented way.  We are economically well and due to the virus crisis, we are far healthier than what the Trump Administration and the GOP U.S. Senate failed to do for our nation.

Montana's Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney has also done himself proud the past eight years.  He, and Gov. Bullock, have made Montana a bright spot in our country.  Cooney deserves to continue to lead us as our Governor.



An Opinion by John Watson

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mail Fraud by the "Thugmaster General" of the USPS

Let's stop calling this "politics as usual."

This is hard core voter suppression on a massive criminal scale. You can't look the other way and pretend it isn't happening.  You can't say it's okay because it might give your candidate another four years.  And you can't possibly go along with this and still call yourself an American!

When U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies today, he will either reveal who gave him the orders to begin dismantling very expensive sorting machines and removing sidewalk mail drop boxes, or he will lie like his boss.

He was a complete neophyte about anything United States Postal Service before June 2020, when his billions of dollars bought him a cushy job from the president.  He couldn't have learned enough in such a short amount of time to know where and how to cut these kinds of expenses.  He needed help.  The president had a plan in mind to cheat in the November 3rd election and mail fraud was high on his list of things to manipulate. 

There is no known American history to compare with the criminal actions of this president.  There is ample evidence to prove he not only is guilty of premeditated destruction and removal of postal service equipment that will be necessary for our mail-in voting this election, but he is equally guilty of pure, in-the-bright-light-of-day voter suppression.  We, the people, cannot stand for this!

America will take care of the president's removal in November, but we need to stop DeJoy's wrecking ball damage to our postal service right now!

Opinion by John Watson

Thursday, August 20, 2020

"Stylish Steve" Bannon is headin' for the slammer

Recent photo of "Stylish Steve" Bannon
(photoshopped to enhance his good grooming)

Steve Bannon, former advisor, brain, good friend, confidant, stylish hairdresser to the administration folks, and all-around good guy to President Trump, was arrested this morning for allegedly ripping off "hundreds of thousands of dollars" in an online scheme regarding "Trump's Magnificent Border Wall."  (Details to come)

I am shocked out of my socks!

I am also hoping the Republicans in America will finally read the memo and take a second look at who they are supporting.

This administration - from the top on down - is filled with liars, crooks, felons, and Al Capone wannabees.  How many have gone to prison, are waiting to go to prison, or have yet to be sentenced to prison?  And I've got to tell ya',  judges ain't through with 'em yet.

However, the sad thing is as soon as judges throw 'em into the calaboose, the president throws 'em out with a slimmy, greasy pardon.

I would bet my next social security check that the really "big fish" to get nailed will happen as soon as he walks out of the Oval Office for the last time on January 21, 2021.

As the old saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together."

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump and the "Thugmaster General of the USPS

"If I lose this election it will be because it is rigged!"
- President Trump, August 2020

This quote by the president may just be the most honest thing the liar has said in four years.  He was, of course, referring to the Democrats, et al, for being the riggers, and definitely not himself.

America, however, now knows differently.

In all of America's history, there has never been such an unholy, unpatriotic, underhanded maneuver to rig an election the likes of what we are watching take place today.

He has directed his United States Postal Service "thugmaster general" to do his dirty work this time.  Hundreds of those famous blue mail containers have been unchained from sidewalks everywhere and thrown onto flatbed trucks and mysteriously taken to parts unknown....and reportedly with mail still inside.

Extremely sensitive sorting machines have also been removed from post offices and taken to other parts unknown. Many have even been disassembled, for what reason no one seems to know.

The "Thugmaster General" said yesterday he has felt the heat and will discontinue SOME of these practices for ninety days.  He has not said, however, if he will return the blue boxes and reassemble and return the sorting machines.  To quote Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, last night, "I do not trust the Postmaster General."

The first thing we all need to remember is this:  No American should trust neither the president nor the postmaster general.  We now know some of the things they have done to delegitimize our 2020 Election, but it's a damn certainty that we do not know everything!  Trump has made it very clear for months that he is going to hold on to the Oval Office in any way he can - ethically, legally, or otherwise.  This man has proven he is very comfortable going against any Americanrules of law.

We must demand that all of those blue boxes be put back where they were and those sorting machines restored and returned to their original post office sites.

Further, the orders to stop all overtime work during legitimate peak periods be rescinded.  The orders recently given to allow mail trucks to leave their station before being filled with the day's mail should also be lifted.  

Our mail carriers deliver more than one billion pieces of mail at Christmas time.  They are more than capable of handling this country's  mail-in ballots.

Lastly, we need to remove individuals in authority who believe they can corrupt something as sacred as the United States Mail satisfy their own greed and corrupt political ends.

And that includes the man at the top 
who is barking out these unAmerican orders!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The "Trump Horse" Came In Through The Front Gate

The "Trump Horse" was pulled over the moat drawbridge and into the front gate of America by GOP Members of the Senate.  It was chock-full of Republican Swamp Dwellers, crooked cabinet officials, and one pudgey, blond-haired, orange-faced guy wearing a blue suit and a very long red tie that he kept tripping over as he scurried down the rope ladder from the trap door in the horse's belly.

America was supposed to smile.  The corrupt election of 2016 was over and the winner brought a gift of appeasement for the crooked campaign they had waged.  They solicited aid from America's most feared adversary, Russia, to help them win.  But, in reality, the corruption and greed of the winner was just beginning.  This "Wooden Trump Horse" was also stuffed full of power-greedy, take-no-prisoners, crooked Senate Republicans.

Their reign was to be total annihilation of the opposition party, America's media, minorities, the Obama Administration,  and - worst of all - the American Constitution and the 244-year experiment of the finest democracy on the planet.  The results of their evil efforts were to set the entire nation on fire - even their own party, if necessary!

Old "Long Tie" was inept, clumsy, dishonest, immoral, treasonist, and without a drop of empathy in his entire body.  Indeed, he was soulless to the core.

He spewed forth over 20,000 fact-checked lies in his first term of office, with nearly eighty days to go.  Among his inner circle of worker bees, he demanded absolute loyalty to himself.  This must come ahead of any qualifications for the job or questionable background.  He decided to accept truth from America's adversaries before those of his own intelligence agencies.   He has bilked millions from taxpayers' money to feed his own business ownerships.  He has used his office as president to strongarm foreign countries to fatten his golf courses.

America allowed the "Horse" inside with nary a clue of the corruption that was in store.  But they should have.  "Long Tie" had years of bad business dealings in his past. Hundreds of lawsuits, workers unpaid, and finally his own credit so badly damaged that all banks in his home state of New York stopped doing business with him twenty years ago.  And today, he is the perfect example of how "a leopard can never change its spots." 

Our nation is on fire and we must wait until election day to bring in the fire trucks.  Meanwhile, he utters the most  ill-conceived choice of wording ever heard from a president: "If I lose, it will be because it was rigged!"

On November 3, 2020, we will have a chance to move that "Wooden Horse" back out the front gate and burn it to the ground.

And if there are still some GOP friends of "Long Tie" inside, they've officially been handed their notice to vamous, post-haste.

"Stupidity is knowing the truth,
seeing the truth,
and still believing the lies!" 


Monday, August 17, 2020

Workers Want To Work

The typical Republican response to American workers who want to have enough money to feed their families is sickening.  When a worker loses his or her job, they have always been able to rely on unemployment insurance benefits to at least partially sustain them. 

Now, with covid-19, there is an all-new game.  

When the president and his political friends in the senate wanted to have the laid-off workers ready and available to return when they opened up the country, they gave them a liveable $600 a week unemployment benefit.  When the time limit ran out on that deal,  however, they balked at renewing the offer because it was becoming obvious that only a few companies were going to open in the near future and there would not be a great demand for a workforce. Hence, no longer a chance to accuse them of sitting on their butts when they could be working.   That, of course, would leave workers facing evictions and foreclosures.  For many, it also means little or no money for groceries.  

What to do, what to do?

It is so ridiculous to think that an unemployed worker would voluntarily stay home and risk losing their job in return for a few weeks of unemployment benefits.  
"Workers want to work.  Workers want to depend on employment until they retire.  Workers would rather work than sit.  Workers are loyal when they are treated fairly."  

So, the Republican-controlled Senate came up with a great idea: Go to the coffee room until the weekend and then go home.  August is customarily their vacation time anyway!  This year, August will also be starvation time for millions of out-of-work workers. 

Republican Politics - it's corruption
...and it's tearing us apart, piece by piece.


We were not born racists

Racism is a grown-up disease, 
and we should stop using our kids to spread it.  
Ruby Bridges

The word "racism" is like ketchup.  It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a "racist."
Thomas Sowell

At what point in your upbringing did you decide you might be a racist?  It's not a trick question.  Everyone in America has faced that query and whether we faced the possibility or not, we at least considered it.  I should point out that I do not see that moment as a watershed period in anyone's life.  It didn't have to be a defining instant when you decided - then and there - that you were either a racist, or you weren't.  It could have been a mere flash that gave you pause to consider that which is in your mind is also the same as that which is in your heart.

"Racism" is an ugly word.  It is also a powerful word.  Is it something we even want to contemplate?  How could I be a racist?  I believe all people are born equal.  They certainly should have the the same rights.  We did away with someone's thinking that a negro is worth only a fraction of what a white person is worth about 155 years ago.

I've often wondered how I would feel if I was forced to not only live as a slave, but to be told my total worth was less than that of a white person.  That just couldn't be...not here in America?

But that is exactly what happened, and in far too many cases, that is what is still happening.  How did it come to be that  a group of people decided they were the superior race of all Americans?  Which one of them held up the first idea that "they" could take a ship to Africa, kidnap a boat-load of black Africans, and bring them home to work as their slaves.  "They" would rule over them as their lords and commit their lives to a living hell.  They would beat them, starve them, and in some cases even kill them.

And today, the descendents of these slave owners are hell-bent on eradicating them from our shores.  In their hearts, they would like to bring back the concept of slaves, but since that will never happen, the next best thing is to purge them from our roles as voters, workers, home owners, neighbors, and any other civil right given to all other people.  In short, if they can't control them, then disavow them.

And yet, there are African Americans as councilpersons, mayors, governors, administration officials, U.S. Congressional people, U.S. Senators, Presidential Candidates, and, yes, even a U.S. President.

But still there is racism.

That boggles the mind.  It has nothing to do with the quality of the colored person.  It has to do with the content of the non-colored person's character.  

The racist's mind and heart is where 100% of the problem lies.  So why is this problem so hard to fix?  The minorities are working hard to change the mind and soul of the racist, but it's harder said than done. Worse yet, the racist is not even working on the problem.   

When we have a president who has weaponized the racist, the problem becomes amplified ten-fold. 

And in case you haven't noticed, we do have such a president. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lie to me, Mr. "T"

"Mr. President, after 3 1/2 years, do you regret 
at all, the lying you've done to the American people?"

A question to President Trump during Press Briefing on Aug. 13, 2020 
by Huffington Post reporter, V. Date. 

The President responded with
a stunned look for a two seconds,
asked, "that who has done?"
The reporter repeated, "that you have done"
The President glared at him for a second
and then pointed to another reporter for a question.

If I live to be 200, I will never hear nor see a better question put to this president.  It was a query that should have been thrown at him nearly four years ago.  It was a question that America has been begging someone in the press pool to unload on him for so, so long.  The look on his face was like that of the proverbial deer caught in the headlights of a speeding eighteen-wheeler.  It was the two-second look of "what the hell did I just get myself into with this two-bit fake news reporter?"

Mr. President, you are a lying and corrupt scoundrel, a flawed excuse for a human being, and a charlatan of the highest order.  

You were just caught flat-footed and with egg on your face. When an otherwise quiet and unassuming reporter nails you right between the eyes with a truth that was as loud as the  Krakatoa Volcano explosion, it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Krakatoa's explosion has been considered the loudest noise ever heard, but the silence of those 2.3 seconds was a moment that was heard across America and around the world.

It was magnificent, Mr. Date!