The Good Guys Are Supposed To Win, Aren't They?

I'm old enough to remember the good ol' days when the good guys always won and the bad guys were either sent to boot hill or to jail. Always.  You could even see it coming before the movie was half over.  The good guys just couldn't lose.

The plot was usually the same.  The bad guys came to town, scouted out the town sheriff's handiness with a six-shooter, checked the town's watering hole, and found out who might help the sheriff when the shootin' started.  Then, on to the bank to see how easy it might be to knock over.

Nearly four years ago, that's how the Trump Thugs rode into Washington D.C.  The bad guys...just looking for a nice little town to take over.  They heard there was some easy pickin's and a place to lie low for about four years.  Maybe even eight, if they could stretch their corrupt ways and the town folks were slow to catch on.

First, they needed to get the right boys into the right spots.  That would make the pickin's real easy.  Strategic spots would be the Justice Department, the Treasury Department, the State Department, and the Courts.

In the old west, the town folk came to their senses earlier than they do today.  Back then, they woke up, smelled the coffee,  and strung along with the good guys.  (They could even tell the difference between the two!) Today, if they like the swagger of the bad guys, they join up and throw in with them.

Nope, the bad guys never used to win.  Bad was bad and good was good.  Big Nose George and Jesse James were bad and Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were good.  I never did understand Cliff  Eastwood, though.  He was good in the movies but I sure questioned him when he walked on stage one night and talked to an empty chair about why we should vote against Obama.  

But I digress.  

Not only are the bad guys winning today, but I'm afraid they might even win when this movie is over.  They have our western way of life in shambles and headin' for the last roundup.  And it's really all our fault, too, partner.  Too many of us threw in with the wrong side!

We are forgetting the code of the west:  Always throw in with the good guys.

When it's time to ride off into the sunset, we're gonna' be walking, instead, and carrying our saddle because the bad guys even stole our horsey.



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