Monday, August 24, 2020

Either he wins or Biden loses...

Opinion By

There is one thing we all need to think about this election.  It is a statement the president made to the nation a few days ago:

"If I lose this election, it will be because it was rigged."  Now, if we really give this some thought, we would realize what a very dangerous thing it is that he just said.  In the most recent national poll, the president is behind by ten points.  He is also behind in the all of states he must win, which are the states that will determine the winner of the Electoral College votes.  If he loses the Electoral College votes and the Popular Votes, he will say the election was rigged and he will refuse to leave office.  If he wins, he will be as happy as a little clam.

So, as I see it, he can't lose.

He wins by getting the most votes or he wins because it was rigged and he is not going to leave.

What am I missing here?

...I mean, other than a lot of sleep!

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