It is what it is...

You wear no mask, you're such a disgrace,
you spread your lies all over the place.

I am Donny, a very smart guy.
I know lots of things 'cause I lie.
I remembered five things*, 
like a king among kings.
I'm a stable and smarty-pants guy.

I can't believe what we must endure under the reign of this president.  It started on inauguration day with a lie about the size of his crowd and has been building momentum ever since.  One might even say the lies have blossomed into a veritable ocean of devotion he pays to the art of bald-faced, flat-out lying through his teeth.

The coronavirus crisis didn't have to go this badly in America.  It could have been much better had we a semblance of leadership, empathy, and heedfulness to the words from our medical scientists.  

Instead, our "Authoritarian-in-Chief" took the low road and placed his desire to win re-election above all else.  The expert words of caution from Dr. Fauci and Dr. Blix were muzzled when they interferred with the plans of the "Chief."  It was simply a rule that the needs of the few came before the needs of the many.  

No words have ever been uttered from the president regarding the carnage that our nation is suffering.  No words about the terrible illness and death from covid-19 of our precious citizens were ever heard from our "leader."  No empathy!  No words of courage!  No words of hope!  No words of prayer!  No words of pleading with the nation to heed the rules of "mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing" from the doctors.  No nothing!

Only words of "we're doing great, open up the country, get our kids back to school, and masks are for losers!"

America, it didn't have to be this way.  It could have been so much better.  If only we had a leader who knew how to lead.

His response to the nearly 160,000 deaths from covid-19:
"It is what it is."

(but he could remember  - for fifteen minutes -  those five words from his cognitive test that he thought was an IQ test.)



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