Disruption is the name of the game...

DISRUPTION...a lifestyle foisted upon Americans for nearly four years by this president and his administration.  It has been his political strategy from the beginning  and, to  his credit, has worked perfectly for him, his inner circle, and those Party Members in the U.S. House and Senate.

A schism was created within the long-established Republican Party that became the "Party of Trump."  When Donald J. Trump became President, he found it beneficial to overwhelm the existing long-term GOP model of how things were being done and displace it with disruption and deception.

As his corrupt ways of dysfunctional leadership became obvious to Republicans within the Party, they collectively decided that in order for them to "get along,' they'd have to "go along."  A poorer choice, they could not have made.

All the same, disruption has been the name of the game.  If your ineptness is showing, create a disruption to get everyone to look the other way.  If your unwillingness to lead is showing, give them something else to worry about.  If your lack of success is showing, use bigger and more repetitive superlatives to convince them otherwise.

Disruption will styme onlookers who already have a problem keeping themselves informed.  They can only deal in the here and now - and whatever "facts" that may be handy.  They seldom research for the truth.  Whatever will appear on that little screen on their phone must be the facts.

It is no mystery how this president has been able to lull not only his own Party members but millions of his followers down that road to hell in a handbasket.  We can blame the Russians for hacking our systems with false messages and we can blame too much money in political campaigns that befuddled our voting choices, but when the rubber hits the road we can only blame ourselves for being the most naive people on the planet.  There are way too many in the Republican Party that decided to follow this charlatan to the bitter end.

His quackery, deception, outright lies, corruption, immoral convictions, fraudulent dealings, and overwhelming flaws as a human being make it inconceivable that so many followers could stay so silent.  

But surviving that horrible assessment of the man, in itself, may be his most successful disruption of all.  


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