"You're Welcome Here, NRA."

Rep. Greg Gianforte, the Republican Candidate for Governor, has invited the National Rifle Association (NRA) to move to Montana.  They are kind of in trouble and the Attorney General of New York is demanding they cease to exist as a "business."

So, pick up your money laundering business, bring your top NRA Officials who enjoy living high on the hog with $38,000 weekends in fancy-schmancy resorts, and dinners and drinky-poos 'til the cows come home...all on the tab of your membership dues...and move it all to the great state of Montana!

We have a boat-load of people at that quaint, modestly-styled place high up in the mountains in southern Montana that will welcome you with open arms, wallets, and purses.  They are all your kind of people.  And, due to your troubles in New York, they understand - and feel - your pain.  They, too, are often cast in the bright light of over-indulgence and hypocrisy.

We common folk here in Montana will stay out of your way and pay you little mind.  You can be assured of continuing your questionable not-for-profit style of business with impunity.

Of course, there is going to be one hitch in the plan.

That dude who has done the invitin' to y'all won't be around when y'all come courtin' fer favors in Helena.

He got his butt beat by our new Governor Cooney.

And I don't think he'll be handing out any Welcome Wagon Baskets of Goodies for y'all, either.


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