Saturday, August 22, 2020


Montana is at a real crossroads in this election.  We have watched what the Republicans have systematically done in Washington D.C. to our rules of law under the Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell fiasco. They didn't act alone, however. There was oodles of help from such loyal and equally corrupt soldiers as Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Rep. Gianforte (R-MT).  And, they aren't through dealing from the bottom of the deck yet.  

Gianforte and Daines have teamed up to finish off the corrupt practices they started by looking for more misery to heap on Montana.  Greed begets money, money begets power, power begets more money, and more money begets more power and greed.

Gianforte wants to be our Governor so badly he's willing to put over $2 million of his own money into the fight to get it.  

If you were in search of a new job, would you offer a prospective employer millions of dollars to let you go to work for them?

So maybe you have other ways to get compensated.  Corrupt ways, for example?  Selling off Montana's public lands to your rich friends, for example?  That would bring you quick cash in a hurry, wouldn't it?  Another scheme he has up his sleeves is re-routing taxpayer's public school funds to private and charter schools.  This is an idea that has been brewing in his mind for some time with  his friend, OPI Chief, Elsie Arntzen.  Other corrupt ideas?  Well, after all, he is a Republican.

Daines has had six long years to acquire the corrupt ideas of his idol, Donald Trump.  He has had the opportunity to cozy up next to millions of dollars through that relationship.  Now, he thinks Montana Voters should remember who he is and send him back to D.C. for another six years of easy picking from the low hanging branches of the corruption trees. 

Say "NO" to both of these guys.

Montana's Gov. Steve Bullock has done himself proud the past eight years by taking care of our state in an unprecedented way.  We are economically well and due to the virus crisis, we are far healthier than what the Trump Administration and the GOP U.S. Senate failed to do for our nation.

Montana's Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney has also done himself proud the past eight years.  He, and Gov. Bullock, have made Montana a bright spot in our country.  Cooney deserves to continue to lead us as our Governor.



An Opinion by John Watson

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