Torpedo running hot....

Trump appointed United States Postmaster 
May 2020

DeJoy's appointment was controversial because he and his wife have financial conflicts, including assets between $30.1 million - $75.3 million in USPS competitors and contractors.  He is the first Postmaster in years without prior experience the USPS.  DeJoy has been a major fundraiser for Trump and the Republican Party.

U.S. Rep. Connolly (D-VA) noted that DeJoy's career as a political operative and with close ties to the President and the Republican Party would threaten the non-partisan nature of the Postal Service.

DeJoy's initial action upon becoming postmaster was to begin slashing expenses.  A plan that was seen as a deliberate move to slow down America's mail service.

Why is it important for us to know the inner workings of this man?  

Think of how a submarine's torpedo works and you will quickly see why the President sent him to the United States Postal Service. 

He is but one more instrument in the arsenal of Trump and the Grand Old Party as they strategically place "torpedo's" in areas of our government that they want to dramatically alter and/or destroy.  Such as:  Betsy DeVos, who hates public schools, named Secretary of Education; and Rick Perry, who wanted to dissolve the Energy Department, made Secretary of Energy.  The list of deadly appointments have continued for nearly four years.

Trump has already begun the drum beat to tell the nation that our USPS is not equipped to handle mail-in ballots this November 3rd Election, therefore we need to stop such an election practice. Postmaster DeJoy is echoing his master's thoughts, but postmasters around the country are barking back.  They say handling mail-in ballots for the entire country will be a piece of cake. 

Can't you just hear "Mr. Political Operative" yelling to the torpedo room,  "FIRE TORPEDO NUMBER ONE!"

There is, however, another famous quote from that movie that American Voters will be repeating on Nov. 3, 2020:



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