My two cents worth of advice for Mr. Biden

Opinion by
Perhaps the presumptive Democratic Candidate for President of the United States was a little hasty in his "promise" to select a "black female" for his running mate.  Perhaps he did not see the complete picture of what this might entail.  Perhaps he did not see the wide ranging types of black females this would bring to the table.

Perhaps it was a bad idea.  

The primary issue should not have been the "need" to have a woman - or even a black woman - at the bottom of the ticket. While it is widely recognized that America is long, long overdue to have a woman lead our nation, the way we proceed is also important.  She should never be chosen because she is a woman, or even a black woman.  She should be the most qualified candidate in the field.  

Haven't we learned anything about choosing unqualified, unfit, and uneducated presidential candidates?

Having said all of that and still  keeping with Biden's promise, I believe there is a qualified female candidate for former Vice President Biden to choose from.  There is even a black female candidate who would do an excellent job.

Susan Rice.

Many lean toward Sen. Kamala Harris.  She is experienced, a good communicator, and well-known.  However, she comes across as the stereotypical "mad black woman" at times.  She tries too hard at times.  She lacks tact at times.  And in the opening days of a new administration, the president and vice-president will need to mend a lot of fences and rebuild new and lasting bridges with our allies.  They will need to also show new leadership for all Americans.  These things are more critical than anything they will be called upon to do.

Perhaps Biden will need the calming, cool and collected voice of a Susan Rice who served as the 24th United States National Security Advisor, the 27th United States Ambassador to the United Nations and the 12th Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

In my opinion, she is a good choice.


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