They All Know...

Some things about him that are just obvious to everyone.  There are no questions left to be answered about him.   We all know who he is and what he is.  If we will admit to ourselves that the things reported about him are factual, then we can say we know him. Why is it, therefore, so hard for some to say they can't accept the fact that he is destroying our democracy?  It is so easy to say.

We know evil when we see it in other countries, so why is it so hard to recognize evil in our own?  Does it matter whether our democracy is destroyed from an adversary or our own supposed leader?  Aren't we still just as lost? 

Do writers and fact-checkers have to continually report  the crimes committed by this man and have them regurgitated every hour, every day of the week, for eternity? The answer, of course, is "No."

There is a great Country Western song by Barbara Mandrell that has the line, "If loving him is wrong, then I don't want to be right."  That should be the theme song for his supporters.  They know supporting him is wrong, and, apparently, they just stubbornly don't want to be right.  Why? Because they have been weaponized by him.  He has given them a purpose.  They can march in those Nazi-like uniforms they have been hiding in their closets.  They can drag out those weapons they have been dying to show the world.  They can unfurl those long forgotten flags of our enemies and fly them with pride.  Why? Because they have been told by him that they don't have to sneak around in the dark anymore.  Today, they are somebody to be reckoned with and they crave attention!

It's that easy.  They all know him.  They may even know him better than we do, because he is more like them than like us. They had been waiting a long time for him to finally come.  They gave him what he needed to survive for a time, and he gave them what they needed to shine for a time, too.

And when he leaves, they will simply look for another one to tell them what they want to do it's okay.  

Maybe by then we will have found a better way to handle the carnage.


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