Workers Want To Work

The typical Republican response to American workers who want to have enough money to feed their families is sickening.  When a worker loses his or her job, they have always been able to rely on unemployment insurance benefits to at least partially sustain them. 

Now, with covid-19, there is an all-new game.  

When the president and his political friends in the senate wanted to have the laid-off workers ready and available to return when they opened up the country, they gave them a liveable $600 a week unemployment benefit.  When the time limit ran out on that deal,  however, they balked at renewing the offer because it was becoming obvious that only a few companies were going to open in the near future and there would not be a great demand for a workforce. Hence, no longer a chance to accuse them of sitting on their butts when they could be working.   That, of course, would leave workers facing evictions and foreclosures.  For many, it also means little or no money for groceries.  

What to do, what to do?

It is so ridiculous to think that an unemployed worker would voluntarily stay home and risk losing their job in return for a few weeks of unemployment benefits.  
"Workers want to work.  Workers want to depend on employment until they retire.  Workers would rather work than sit.  Workers are loyal when they are treated fairly."  

So, the Republican-controlled Senate came up with a great idea: Go to the coffee room until the weekend and then go home.  August is customarily their vacation time anyway!  This year, August will also be starvation time for millions of out-of-work workers. 

Republican Politics - it's corruption
...and it's tearing us apart, piece by piece.



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