Saturday, August 29, 2020

They Are Not Us, America!

If you are still looking for answers to America's wretched existence today, take a closer look at this photograph.  Roughly seventy percent of us are madder than hell at what we see.  We are letting these old, rich, white guys run our country into the ground.

In no way do they represent the America we know.  

They represent a small, selfish slice of our world.  They think they were born on third base and some mega-rich donor hit a sacrifice fly ball to send them to home plate.  

They are the self-proclaimed rulers of our land.  They are the support team that has kept the inept, immoral, unconscionably corrupt President of the United States in office. They look nothing like the people of America.  They are predominantly male, white, old, and rich.  They lack empathy for anyone who does not look, act, or think like them.  Even though they got to this status by promising more than they would ever deliver to clueless voters, they ultimately knew that once elected they would work only for themselves.  They are without souls.

Yesterday, the president's plane touched down for another of his "rallies."  There were thousands of people on hand to greet him.  The public address system, asking people to put their masks on, was drowned out by loud and sustained "boos!"  Such is the mentality that sprang from the urging of their president and themselves.  To them, covid-19 is a hoax!
This is the America they understand.  This is the America they demand.  

This is the Republican-controlled United States Senate of which they are so proud.

They are not us, America.


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