Mail Fraud by the "Thugmaster General" of the USPS

Let's stop calling this "politics as usual."

This is hard core voter suppression on a massive criminal scale. You can't look the other way and pretend it isn't happening.  You can't say it's okay because it might give your candidate another four years.  And you can't possibly go along with this and still call yourself an American!

When U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies today, he will either reveal who gave him the orders to begin dismantling very expensive sorting machines and removing sidewalk mail drop boxes, or he will lie like his boss.

He was a complete neophyte about anything United States Postal Service before June 2020, when his billions of dollars bought him a cushy job from the president.  He couldn't have learned enough in such a short amount of time to know where and how to cut these kinds of expenses.  He needed help.  The president had a plan in mind to cheat in the November 3rd election and mail fraud was high on his list of things to manipulate. 

There is no known American history to compare with the criminal actions of this president.  There is ample evidence to prove he not only is guilty of premeditated destruction and removal of postal service equipment that will be necessary for our mail-in voting this election, but he is equally guilty of pure, in-the-bright-light-of-day voter suppression.  We, the people, cannot stand for this!

America will take care of the president's removal in November, but we need to stop DeJoy's wrecking ball damage to our postal service right now!

Opinion by John Watson


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