FOX "news" is off their meds...

Cartoon by John watson

Before there was Trump and FOX,
there was truth.
Since there has been Trump and FOX, 
there has been lies.

Last year, the President called his friend, Attorney Barr, and complained about FOX Judge Andrew Napolitano who was saying very uncomplimentary things about him.  He asked Barr to call the big guy at FOX "news," Rupert Murdoch, and get Napolitano to learn to take a hint or learn how to swim with the fishes with his feet in cement shoes.  (I'm sure it wasn't that threatening, but you get the idea.)  Surprisingly, Napolitano's air time has been greatly reduced since the call from Barr.

It is regularly reported that Sean Hannity, chief FOX purveyor of lies, has a direct phone line to the President of the United States.  It is further reported that they speak often - sometimes more than once a day.  Other major news networks have kept a running narrative about how the President picks up his false information from the FOX talking heads.  The talking heads know their stuff is false and it is said that the President usually knows it is untruthful, as well.  But, what are a few lies among friends?

FOX is under constant scrutiny from major news outlet fact-checkers for their seemingly uncaring broadcasting of outright lies. Their talking heads have mastered that facial blank stare look as they lie to America 'til the cows come home.  It has become a daily drip, drip, drip of lies until most of their viewers are reeled in, hook, line, and sinker.

However, there are some reports leaking from the peons at FOX that not everybody is happy with the situation.  Some are outright hostile about their loyalty to a network built on lies, and some are even saying there are rumblings of "purgatorial purification in paradise" if something isn't done.  Top FOX officials are concerned that when/if Trump loses the November Election, he may go off and start his own right-wing television network.  

Wouldn't it be lovely to have Trump on a TV Reality Show again?  America would then have two Network liars fighting for ratings.



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