SENSITIVITY...surely you jest, madam

Opinion By
The Democrats are trying to keep Trump and the Republicans from suppressing our opportunity to vote by mail.  They want to add funding into the stimulus bill to assist states because  voting by mail will cost, but it will help millions of Americans vote in the comfort and safety of their homes.  Many states can't otherwise afford the additional expense. During this pandemic crisis, one would certainly see the benefit of mail-in voting.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, after Trump and the Senate GOP pushed-back on the idea, "You would think they could show a little sensitivity to our voters."

Please, Madam Speaker...sensitivity?  From Trump and the GOP?  Surely you jest.  If you looked up the word INSENSITIVE in the dictionary, you would probably find a picture of Trump, McConnell, and the gang.  But sensitivity -  that would have a picture with a group of people who care.

USPS "Thugmaster General"
Louis Dejoy
Trump has openly stated he will reject election results if he loses.  He has, with the help of his "Thugmaster of the United States Postal Service," already put plans into place to sabotage mailing out and returning ballots by changing the rule that ballots will no longer be handled as First Class Mail.  Also, no additional time will be given to postal workers in peak mail periods.  This morning, it is being reported that Trump has ADMITTED he is cutting funding for the USPS because of the cry for mail-in voting.  The department has also released news that they are eliminating many mail sorting machines.  We can expect ballots to be lost, find their way to a dumpster, or simply be refused for various reasons.  The Ohio GOP has changed their state rules and will now allow only one dropbox for ballots per county!  There are many more malicious things happening, I'm sure. 

"There are more evil things in heaven and earth, Voter, than are dreamt of by your Republican skullduggery."  - Hamlet (paraphrased) 

In other words, your goon squad is working hard to keep you from getting your vote counted during his virus crisis.

How did we let this guy take over our country and change all of the important rules?   


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