Monday, August 10, 2020

Remembering the NRA's good ol' days...

The National Rifle Association has been under the control of its Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre since 1991.

A lawsuit filed by New York's Attorney General states that the NRA has lost $64 million in the last three years due to financial misconduct by LaPierre and other association members.

LaPierre has maintained a "strangle hold" on the association for years and according to everything I read, is most responsible for the chaos and corruption that has led to the lawsuit by New York.  As I researched the NRA, I am puzzled that a Vice President would have such power.  I recall that Oliver North is the Association President, which is, as far as I can tell, mostly just a figurehead position.  LaPierre was a lobbyist in his prior life, which was why he was suited for the NRA position.  It became a dominant force for the Republican Party and many millions of dollars passed through as financial donations to countless GOP candidates.

It is now being reported that North has tried to convince LaPierre to resign but was unsuccessful.  North even threatened to expose a letter that would put LaPierre in very bad light, but LaPierre stood his ground.

However, my interest in this story is more about the NRA's past than their future.  I remember when they focused heavily on child safety with firearms.  A youngster could learn how to handle a rifle the proper way.  There was no political picture about the NRA - at least as far as the public was aware.

But for years, the NRA, first and foremost, has been about politics.  And it was as public as could be.  If you were running for an office, you received a rating from them.  It warned voters that if it was below an  "A," you were probably a poor choice and not worthy of a vote.  Even Republicans would vie for a higher rating than another Republican.  Politics was the game.

This brought in huge amounts of money.  Money flowed into and out of the NRA at a fast pace.  It was reported that Russian money was laundered through the NRA to help Trump get elected.  Money was also the game.

Maybe the National Rifle Association can survive this and re-invent itself as the organization it once was to help our kids learn how to safely handle a rifle.  

...and forget about politics!

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