"Stylish Steve" Bannon is headin' for the slammer

Recent photo of "Stylish Steve" Bannon
(photoshopped to enhance his good grooming)

Steve Bannon, former advisor, brain, good friend, confidant, stylish hairdresser to the administration folks, and all-around good guy to President Trump, was arrested this morning for allegedly ripping off "hundreds of thousands of dollars" in an online scheme regarding "Trump's Magnificent Border Wall."  (Details to come)

I am shocked out of my socks!

I am also hoping the Republicans in America will finally read the memo and take a second look at who they are supporting.

This administration - from the top on down - is filled with liars, crooks, felons, and Al Capone wannabees.  How many have gone to prison, are waiting to go to prison, or have yet to be sentenced to prison?  And I've got to tell ya',  judges ain't through with 'em yet.

However, the sad thing is as soon as judges throw 'em into the calaboose, the president throws 'em out with a slimmy, greasy pardon.

I would bet my next social security check that the really "big fish" to get nailed will happen as soon as he walks out of the Oval Office for the last time on January 21, 2021.

As the old saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together."


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