Friday, August 7, 2020

A "Liberal Mob," says the Jr. Senator

Let me tell him about a "mob"

Sen. Steve Daines, friend and loyal lap dog of President Trump, recently aired another despicable television advertisement about his opponent, Gov. Steve Bullock.  How he can claim ownership to these ads filled with lies, deceit, and ugly mud is beyond me, not to mention how he can sleep at night.  Unfortunately, this is the Steve Daines we Montanans have come to know.

This ad features the sheriff of an eastern county in Montana who is attacking Gov. Bullock.  The sheriff says Bullock and his "liberal mob" are saying bad things about poor Sen. Daines.  

Everyone knows about the mob mentality of Trump's "base" of support.  Perhaps "mob" is even too kind of a description for most of these folks.  If you have every accidentally touched the wrong channel on your TV remote and happened upon a Trump "Revival Hour" rally in progress, you will know what I mean by a "mob" mentality. There is screaming, chanting, all manner of foul signage, anti-America flags, and crude language.  It's a thing of ugliness and an hour or so of hate.

All of this and the Junior Senator from Montana still swoons whenever the name of Donald Trump is mentioned.  His support for him is unending.  And, he is proud to be in the president's pocket.

And so to the good sheriff from out east, I say to him, "you have sold your soul to the devil if you think Gov. Bullock is in the company of a "liberal mob."  

Inform your Sen. Daines that liberal mobs are as scarce as hen's teeth...

But Republican mobs are as plentiful as Canadian geese on Freezeout Lake.  

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