Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Man Who Would Be Emperor

"Name me an emperor who was ever
struck by a cannonball."
Charles V

"It becomes an emperor to die standing."
Titus Flavius Vespasian

Hail to thee, Oh would be Emperor Donald of Trump.  May your reign last 1,460 days (not counting Leap Years) and not one decasecond longer.  The welcome mat will be jerked from under your feet (assuming it ever was a "welcome"mat) at the stroke of "Get thee behind me, Satan" and "Don't let the door hit you in the large derriere on the way out!"

The infamous Italian would-be emperor, Benito Mussolini, was stomped and beaten to death by the people and hanged by his feet in the town square of Milan, Italy.  

The most hated man of modern time, Adolf Hitler, was reportedly driven to kill himself in his bunker in Berlin, Germany.  Much nicer than he deserved.

And the man who would be emperor of America is still standing and tweeting out orders of how he will change our constitution and bill of rights as he sets out to firmly remain in power.  

Strangely, some leaders from the past have actually had some powers behind their dictatorial demands.  They had the clout to do what they said they would do, even though it never lasted.

But, alas, poor Donald of Trump will find that he has no real powers.  He either never knew, or he forgot, that there are two other branches of power in our government besides the Executive:  Legislative and Judicial...and they will never be jumping up and down with glee for an authoritarian rule.

He has a scant handful of "Trump base" that he could count on if the going got really tough.  He might get a minimal amount of head nods from the Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate - if they decide not to seek re-election.  And, sadly, he has pretty much messed in his nest with America's allies.  He could possibly count on Putin to hold his coat and maybe Kim Jung Un to provide cheerleaders, but that's about it for foreign assistance.

When you decide to take the low road and turn a 244+ year old democracy into an authoritarian state, you should have probably given it a little more planning.  And, you should have taken a second look at some of the thugs you recruited.  Even in a hostile take-over, the help should have a semblance of smarts, even if you don't.

So, how's it going, Donald of Trump?  

Do you really want to mess with our election?  Do you want to keep lying to the people?  Do you want to keep watching Americans die from coronavirus while you play golf and talk about what a good job you're doing?  Do you want to stop mail-in ballots as a ploy to help you and your Republican friends get re-elected?

The choice is yours, but none of your authoritarian ideas are going to work.  Everybody already knows that.

Maybe it's time for you to decide what you want your life to be like after January 20, 2021.  

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