Montana's Office of Dysfunctional Public Instruction

Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney
Candidate for Governor
Teacher Melissa Romano
Candidate for OPI Chief
Greg Gianforte
(Candidate for Governor)
Elsie Arntzen
(Candidate for Re-Election, OPI)
(Candidate for Montana Governor)

(Candidate for Montana OPI Chief)
Montana is aware of Elsie Arntzen, the current OPI chief, overtly showing her bias for charter and private schools over our highly successful public school system.  She mimics the feelings of her counterpart, Betsy DeVos, chief of the National Education Department.

Greg Gianforte, candidate for governor, has also shown his preference for charter and private schools over public schools.  His views were brewed in the same petri dish that hatched his wild belief that our earth is only six-thousand years old.  

Montanans, in this age of covid-19, bad economy, racial turmoil, and political carnage, the last thing we need are two misfits to guide our state through educational rough waters because of school shutdowns and virtual teaching.  We need a Governor like Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney to apply his cool head and eight years of experience under Gov. Steve Bullock's very successful two terms, and the common-sense experience of a teacher to run our Office of Public Instruction.  This is a no-brainer for Montana Voters!

We must remove Arntzen from the post of head of our public schools that she failed to show her disdain for during her previous campaigning.  She hid her preferences for private schools to the voters in her previous campaigning,  but we are fully aware of her deception now.

We must not allow Gianforte to reach the Governor's Office, either.  He is not a true Montanan and he has proven during his two years as U. S. House Representative from Montana that he is not for Montanans.  Gianforte is a very rich man who has dumped more than $2 million into his campaign to buy the key to the front door of the governor's mansion.  We can't let him in!

Make sure you vote, Montanans...and make sure your votes count, too!


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