Lie to me, Mr. "T"

"Mr. President, after 3 1/2 years, do you regret 
at all, the lying you've done to the American people?"

A question to President Trump during Press Briefing on Aug. 13, 2020 
by Huffington Post reporter, V. Date. 

The President responded with
a stunned look for a two seconds,
asked, "that who has done?"
The reporter repeated, "that you have done"
The President glared at him for a second
and then pointed to another reporter for a question.

If I live to be 200, I will never hear nor see a better question put to this president.  It was a query that should have been thrown at him nearly four years ago.  It was a question that America has been begging someone in the press pool to unload on him for so, so long.  The look on his face was like that of the proverbial deer caught in the headlights of a speeding eighteen-wheeler.  It was the two-second look of "what the hell did I just get myself into with this two-bit fake news reporter?"

Mr. President, you are a lying and corrupt scoundrel, a flawed excuse for a human being, and a charlatan of the highest order.  

You were just caught flat-footed and with egg on your face. When an otherwise quiet and unassuming reporter nails you right between the eyes with a truth that was as loud as the  Krakatoa Volcano explosion, it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Krakatoa's explosion has been considered the loudest noise ever heard, but the silence of those 2.3 seconds was a moment that was heard across America and around the world.

It was magnificent, Mr. Date!


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