Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump and the "Thugmaster General of the USPS

"If I lose this election it will be because it is rigged!"
- President Trump, August 2020

This quote by the president may just be the most honest thing the liar has said in four years.  He was, of course, referring to the Democrats, et al, for being the riggers, and definitely not himself.

America, however, now knows differently.

In all of America's history, there has never been such an unholy, unpatriotic, underhanded maneuver to rig an election the likes of what we are watching take place today.

He has directed his United States Postal Service "thugmaster general" to do his dirty work this time.  Hundreds of those famous blue mail containers have been unchained from sidewalks everywhere and thrown onto flatbed trucks and mysteriously taken to parts unknown....and reportedly with mail still inside.

Extremely sensitive sorting machines have also been removed from post offices and taken to other parts unknown. Many have even been disassembled, for what reason no one seems to know.

The "Thugmaster General" said yesterday he has felt the heat and will discontinue SOME of these practices for ninety days.  He has not said, however, if he will return the blue boxes and reassemble and return the sorting machines.  To quote Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, last night, "I do not trust the Postmaster General."

The first thing we all need to remember is this:  No American should trust neither the president nor the postmaster general.  We now know some of the things they have done to delegitimize our 2020 Election, but it's a damn certainty that we do not know everything!  Trump has made it very clear for months that he is going to hold on to the Oval Office in any way he can - ethically, legally, or otherwise.  This man has proven he is very comfortable going against any Americanrules of law.

We must demand that all of those blue boxes be put back where they were and those sorting machines restored and returned to their original post office sites.

Further, the orders to stop all overtime work during legitimate peak periods be rescinded.  The orders recently given to allow mail trucks to leave their station before being filled with the day's mail should also be lifted.  

Our mail carriers deliver more than one billion pieces of mail at Christmas time.  They are more than capable of handling this country's  mail-in ballots.

Lastly, we need to remove individuals in authority who believe they can corrupt something as sacred as the United States Mail satisfy their own greed and corrupt political ends.

And that includes the man at the top 
who is barking out these unAmerican orders!

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