Thursday, August 13, 2020

Voices from America's past...

Wasn't it great to listen to Biden and Harris yesterday!  They didn't lie to us on national television.  They didn't tell us "this pandemic was under control."  They didn't tell us "it would just disappear...soon."  They talked like real American Leaders talk to Americans - and people around the world.  They feel the pain of all of us and they show  empathy  They talk about things that matter to all of us and how they will fix the problems.  

Remember how great the previous administrations were? Remember how you could watch and get goosebumps listening to a real American President and Vice President talk about our nation?  Even if they weren't your first choice, they were speaking for America.

I freely admit I got a lump in my throat yesterday listening to Biden and Harris.  Sure, it was political - but it was words we haven't heard for four long years.  It was a return to what once made us proud of America.  It was not smoke and mirrors.  It was not just about a narcissistic man who stumbled into the Oval Office one day and decided to tell us how everything is going to be about him.

That was the real difference yesterday.  It brought into sharp focus how we have been lied to, deceived by, and watched our nation torn apart by...our current president and vice president.

It made me get a little misty-eyed, too.  Four years is a long, long time for a return to normalcy...and we're almost there!



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